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FrozenGate by Avery

Got X105 Today!

Jun 13, 2007
Today I recieved my X105, my first high powered laser. Over the week I was thinking, "Is it really worth spending $230 on a bright light that can burn stuff that any lighter or magnifying glass can do on a sunny day?

After popping in the batteries and turning it on, my answer was YEAH!. THIS THING IS ABSOLUTLY AMZINGLY AMAZING. They also sent me a free diffractiong grating! This thing peaks 122.3mW and averages 113.2mW. Shreds matches, ballons and melts plastics. Lights fuses and does pretty much everything a 110mW laser would do. After playing with it for a while I thought I saw something by the dot, and sure enough, IT WAS MODE HOPPING. I was devastated, I thought I would have to RMA it but I stuck another pair of batteries in it and now it works fine, but this thing just sucks down batteries, so I'm gonna use rechargables. Overall I am very happy with this laser. Do any of you have a rough estimate on how much less power it will put out with the rechargeables? I'll post pics tonight.

I'm not sure about the power difference but congrats on getting your laser! If it continues to "mode hop" when the batteries start to run low it may be an issue. I had just recently read where a very similar problem was happening. But I've heard great things about NL and on the very rare occasion that you do have to send it in they may even upgrade you a bit. Now I'm jealous though! my ~114.2mW CNI should be here tomorrow. I beat you by one mW average! ;D
Well this thing does fine on good batteries but I cannot believe the speed this thing can suck down a pair of energizers. It seems to be working fine on rechargables. After 10 minutes of use it can't light matches! I hope that's normal. I have a bunch of scaps on my hand now because I keep on testing out the power lol. And about your laser that your getting tommorow, it SUCKS waiting! You will be starring out that window hoping that the mail will come with your package! And I am sure you will love it, this laser has been in my site all day! And I bet that extra milliwatt will be able difference in melting 5" thick steel cause mine can't lol.
Haha, well if it's eating batteries that fast I might be a little concerned. Try out a pair of lithiums and see how it holds up. If it's still draining really fast pry it will go away. Once I get mine too I'll let you know how fast it eats them up.
yea my x-85 EATS batteries too.. i can only burn matches and stuff within the first 5mins of use...so i'm gonna get rechargables too
styropyro said:
Today I recieved my X105, my first high powered laser. Over the week I was thinking, "Is it really worth spending $230 on a bright light that can burn stuff that any lighter or magnifying glass can do on a sunny day?

After popping in the batteries and turning it on, my answer was YEAH!. THIS THING IS ABSOLUTLY AMZINGLY AMAZING. They also sent me a free diffractiong grating! This thing peaks 122.3mW and averages 113.2mW. Shreds matches, ballons and melts plastics. Lights fuses and does pretty much everything a 110mW laser would do. After playing with it for a while I thought I saw something by the dot, and sure enough, IT WAS MODE HOPPING. I was devastated, I thought I would have to RMA it but I stuck another pair of batteries in it and now it works fine, but this thing just sucks down batteries, so I'm gonna use rechargables. Overall I am very happy with this laser. Do any of you have a rough estimate on how much less power it will put out with the rechargeables? I'll post pics tonight.
Congrats on the laser! Hope you like it!

By the way, does anyone know what causes lasers to mode hop?

Congratulations for your buy and the description styropyro!

I enjoy while i was reading this post because i also ordered yesterday the x-105!

I hope that in two weeks arrive to spain without any problem.

After read this post, i begin to search a good rechargables batteries.

I also ordered a lens holder with optics, shields sport and meniscus lens.

Os mantendre informados (esto no sabia como ponerlo en ingles, jeje)
You are going to love your laser so much. Mine is amazing and WELL worth the price. The optics you ordered will be great to mess with too, I'm thinking about ordering some. I also attached a video of this thing popping a balloon.

Edit: Decided to add some pictures.


The laser itself


The warning sticker


Using the laser as a flashlight


Beam Picture

