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FrozenGate by Avery

Glass Diffraction Grating

Yeah you're right. I was confusing the line count with the distance between the lines. Greater distance means less lines per unit length. Damn it I hate math!
I beg to differ..

I have used both 1000 line, and 13,500 line.

edit: I found the discrepancy that is causing confusion. See if you can spot it:



Need a hint?... Units.
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Other than the obvious difference in the number of lines per unit of measurement, 13500 vs 1000, one grating is measured in english, and the other in the metric system.
Inch vs mm.
So a lower, not a higher, line count gives more distance between each order and between each dot in each order, correct?
have you tried making a single slit, maybe can make one small enough to split out argon lines?
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I narrowed the slit to my Verity with a couple razor blades. Gap is probably between 50-100u based on the 500u gap I was narrowing.

Never used the slit for splitting wavelengths though, the horizontal line output looked awful.
Okay Mr. Pyle, you're not getting away with several false statements and then ignoring my post. So I'll drive home the point.

You say your "13500" has less spread than your "1000" grating which is true. However, when converting to the same units, a 13500 line/inch grating is the same as a 530 line/mm grating. 700,000 micrograms is not heavier than 2 grams.

Your statement that a higher line density produces more beams is false, and even contradicts your personal experience.
Since apparently you feed on me acknowledging your post, yes, I was wrong. Yes, you are right.

I read it, I learned from it, and I moved on. Sorry that you felt the need to have that extra attention to feel the importance.

So to clarify.

My 13,500 line/inch, or 530 line/mm diffraction glasses will make several orders, with minimal spread between each line. My 1000 line/inch grating makes two orders (not including zero order) with immense spacing between the lines.

I can take pictures of this effect if you want..
Ok so higher line count gives less orders and more spacing. Got it, thanks :beer:
+4 for admitting you were wrong. -4 for being snide about it and calling me arrogant.

It's not about feeling important. It's not even about proving someone wrong. It's about the poor newb (no offense to Mr. hwang or Mr. stalker :san:) that searches the forum for information and gets confused when they see conflicting information like this. Having the original poster retracting his statement is more compelling than someone else calling them wrong.
