Ran across this while surfing. No wonder many states want to outlaw lasers.
When you find the aircraft you would like to SkyTag™, simply select it. Then quickly look outside to make sure no black helicopters are approaching. If they are, quickly hide your SkyTag™ and proceed to watch TV or something. If all is clear, then proceed...
A successful tag is indicated by the onboard LCD display and by a high-pitched ringtone. Congratulations! Successful back-to-back tags might even earn you a complimentary visit from your local FBI office!
When you find the aircraft you would like to SkyTag™, simply select it. Then quickly look outside to make sure no black helicopters are approaching. If they are, quickly hide your SkyTag™ and proceed to watch TV or something. If all is clear, then proceed...
A successful tag is indicated by the onboard LCD display and by a high-pitched ringtone. Congratulations! Successful back-to-back tags might even earn you a complimentary visit from your local FBI office!