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FrozenGate by Avery

Ghetto Computer thread

Jul 22, 2008
This thread is dedicated to all of you that had to pull some ghetto crap to get your computer to work

So while my main rig is out of commission due to graphics card issue i had to pull a bunch of scrap computers and build them into one like a Frankenstein monster

some pics...




the specs of the BEAST!!!!!!!

so yea, im gonna be using this until my RMA goes through and i get a replacement from newegg

It's always frustrating when you have computer hardware fail on you, even worse if you're in the middle of something when it happens.

I guess this counts as ghetto - my laptop (an HP Pavilion zv5410us) is passing 6 years old now and its GeForce4 Go440 graphics chip just doesn't have the DirectX support I need anymore.

So I'm building a sort of ghetto laptop - a full ATX system inside a suitcase style enclosure that was once a case for a VHS camcorder.

Backyard ingenuity applied to complex electronics, gotta love imaginative people ^_^

+1 to both of you (if I can)
it kinda sucks dealing with this slow zombified computer when im used to...

for benching and

for 24/7 running...
Woo, a fellow 965 owner :D
Btw, what server/faction do you play on? Ya, I saw WoW on your taskbar :D
I recently went from a celeron D CPU with a 1950 GPU to a 965 BE, 4 gigs of ddr3 1600 ram, and 4870 GPU. Now it's hard to get below 60 fps on ultra ;)
Woo, a fellow 965 owner :D
Btw, what server/faction do you play on? Ya, I saw WoW on your taskbar :D
I recently went from a celeron D CPU with a 1950 GPU to a 965 BE, 4 gigs of ddr3 1600 ram, and 4870 GPU. Now it's hard to get below 60 fps on ultra ;)

yea... i play on many many servers depending on how im feeling that day and who i want to talk to, i play both horde and alli on venture co fire tree draenor...marudon? and a few others i don't remember off the top of my head.

I was using 965BE at 6.5ghz DDR3 corsair xms3 1600 at 1940mhz and a 580gtx i was borrowing, couldn't drop it below 120fps

edit yes it did in throne of tides heroic, 118fps :(
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Holy crap that's nice. I play mostly on Aggramar-alliance now, got a couple 80s on Burning Blade-Horde though. I only x-ferred my main over to Aggramar because a IRL friend plays on that server, but I'm still a hordie at heart :)
How did you get your 965 to 6.5ghz? I thought that could only be done with liquid nitrogen cooling :huh:
Also, my 1600 is at 800mhz, how the hell did you get your s to 1940?! Freakin' nice man lol
its 19 degrees outside, all i need is to set my computer next to the window and the whole case cools to about 25F. also 6.5ghz isn't much for a 965, I've seen them well over 7 with ln2 cooling
You gotta be kidding me....
My fingers just froze to my 445nm and my 405nm because I left them out in the truck for a couple hours.
Send your weather this way for oh, say about 4 hours.
It would save having to tunnel out my front door again in the morning.
Well, that is what living less than a mile from the very big pacific ocean will getcha hehe. Personally though, it gets quite boring. I think I would rather live in a place where I could have a white Christmas once in awhile ;)
Though you are right about the tunneling. I never realized how tiresome that was until I took a ski trip and we got several feet over a weekend, takes forever and its a real workout!
