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FrozenGate by Avery


A Corona (or two)🍺 a day keeps the Corona virus at bay ....well at least that's what I'm hoping! ;);)

I've heard that Corona beer sales are down since the Corona virus outbreak; this is probably due to the same people who think chocolate milk comes from brown cows. :LOL:
Back in the early 1990s I started making my own beer. It cost me a couple hundred to ramp it up, but after that I could make a case of beer for less than $30.00. Sounds like a lot of money, but the tiny bubbles of a real beer and the extremely good taste of your own malted barley made a huge difference. I found a huge hops plant in the outside where we used to go to smoke. Until the hops matured I had no idea what it was and thought it was just another climbing plant. Just a weed to me until then.
