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FrozenGate by Avery

General News Discussion

Is it entirely possible that the drop in stocks are all of the democrats selling their stock?

Cost of eggs is down.
Cost of oil is down.

Looks like you don't know what you're talking about. :ROFLMAO: 🤪 :ROFLMAO:

The market is recovering, people panic very easily, my Archer aviation was down to 6.60 yesterday, it's back to 7.49 now, will be 8.50 soon..... yes I bought more @ 6.60 so I'm loving this.
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:LOL: The cost of eggs is nowhere near what it used to be,. Doesn't look like it will be in the near future either. Unless you are trying to say that eggs are much better in price?

What's wrong with Tesla stock? Looks like this would be the perfect time to buy that!
You know what P/E ratio is ?

Why buy TSLA when the 30 day price range is 350-249 and the cost is now 249 when my ACHR was 6.60 with a 30 day range of 10.67-7.50 ?

For 1000 dollars I get either 151 shares of ACHR with an expected increase of 3 dollars a share = 453 profit vs. TSLA where I get 4 shares for 1000 and the expected increase is 50 a share ?

I stand to make more buying ACHR plus TSLA is more volatile due to public opinion.

Also I expect ACHR will be worth a lot more in the next year or two.
If TSLA drops to 218 again I probably will buy a little, maybe 10 or 20 shares for a quick swing back to 250
Archer builds EVTOL's not cars, spacecraft or robots like Tesla, that said Archer is poised to become quite valuable is all goes well, which it is, so far.

