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FrozenGate by Avery

General News Discussion

Because Biden appointed these activist judges ( who rule on personal political feelings rather than impartial rule of law ) just for that reason.
This makes their rulings invalid when it comes to Trumps Constitutional powers.

p.s. Trump is immune. 🤪 and we are dealing with federal judges ruling on federal law, this means Trump can pardon in advance anyone he instructs to ignore said activist judges.
If Trump is truly in the wrong on anything and the SCOTUS rules against him, then Trump will comply.

It's a lot like your blue State Governors signing unconstitutional gun laws knowing the SCOTUS will eventually overturn them because even when a lower judge rules against the State they appeal to an activist judge, so unless the SCOTUS rules against Trump.... my bet is your out of luck....... but don't act like democrats don't ignore our Constitution, they do, but they should be held accountable for it, they aren't.

Democrat Governors have signed laws they even said they knew would eventually be overturned, just so they could infringe citizens rights while the process takes years through the courts, you have no solid ground to stand on..... also Trump still has tools he hasn't even used yet.

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Because Biden appointed these activist judges ( who rule on personal political feelings rather than impartial rule of law ) just for that reason.
This makes their rulings invalid when it comes to Trumps Constitutional powers.

:ROFLMAO: This is nonsense! The judge ruled twelve days ago that his order go into effect. Trump's lawyers claimed that because there had recently been a holiday that they needed more time. His ruling today was after the lawyers for Trump couldn't even answer any questions about when they might be able to comply. You guys are idiots!
Democrats are the big government fascist, the cradle to crave control mongers, the tyrants, liars and thieves who exploit millions of wage slaves while infringing our Constitutional rights, it has to change, we will restore American Freedom and put the deep state democrat fascist crooks out of business.
:ROFLMAO: This is nonsense! The judge ruled twelve days ago that his order go into effect. Trump's lawyers claimed that because there had recently been a holiday that they needed more time. His ruling today was after the lawyers for Trump couldn't even answer any questions about when they might be able to comply. You guys are idiots!
They are just playing the game, same BS democrats and their minions pull, at the Congressional investigation they can't answer why they still haven't complied, still haven't provided the requested information, I've seen it again and again.

Trumps Constitutional powers are not going to be circumvented by some political activist district judge, the voters didn't elect your political activist judge to run the country, it's not going to happen, so cry louder, I'm enjoying the show and the crocodile tears.
They are just playing the game, same BS democrats and their minions pull, at the Congressional investigation they can't answer why they still haven't complied, still haven't provided the requested information, I've seen it again and again.

Trumps Constitutional powers are not going to be circumvented by some political activist district judge, the voters didn't elect your political activist judge to run the country, it's not going to happen, so cry louder, I'm enjoying the show and the crocodile tears.

Trump doesn't have unlimited powers, even though he thinks he does. Judges are appointed, not elected. OMFG, you should aleady know that. We shall see who was right and who was wrong. I doubt it will be me. ;)
Democrats are the big government fascist, the cradle to crave control mongers, the tyrants, liars and thieves who exploit millions of wage slaves while infringing our Constitutional rights, it has to change, we will restore American Freedom and put the deep state democrat fascist crooks out of business.

Your idea of freedom is not what most Americans believe. That's MAGA for you. Trump is the facsist! He has always been so. You are more fun to talk to than anyone else I can remember. This is totally fun for me. At least get your facts right.
I know Federal judges are appointed, not elected, that said about half of State judges are elected, the other half appointed, so your statement is factually incorrect and you also conflated what I said when I said " the voters didn't elect your political activist judge " i.e. they elected President Donald Trump.

Your attempts to get under my skin are comical and I am laughing because I remember paul, I have broken you before, you threw up your virtual hands and said " I QUIT ", I remember it..... that said your personal attacks are proof that you feel that you have lost any debate, just like you lost the election and you were wrong about everything you said.

Oh look, Trump is offering a pathway to citizenship.

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I know Federal judges are appointed, not elected, that said about half of State judges are elected, the other half appointed, so your statement is factually incorrect and you also conflated what I said when I said " the voters didn't elect your political activist judge " i.e. they elected President Donald Trump.

Your attempts to get under my skin are comical and I am laughing because I remember paul, I have broken you before, you threw up your virtual hands and said " I QUIT ", I remember it..... that said your personal attacks are proof that you feel that you have lost any debate, just like you lost the election and you were wrong about everything you said.

Oh look, Trump is offering a pathway to citizenship.

:LOL: Yes, Trump is offering "gold cards" to rich people so they can come here and start jobs. The problem with that is this already existed without anyone paying $5 million to come here. You are hilarious to talk to as you don't even have your facts straight. You are claiming that I ceded this debate to you before now?! That's insane. You are a funny guy!
Turns out Elon Musk has lost $52 billion so far this year, wiping out all his gains since Trump's election last November. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy.
You are going by TSLA stock, as if everything Musk had was all in this 1 stock.
That said, yes TSLA stock is down to 290 from it's recent high, but 6 months ago TSLA stock was 200, so it's not really that bad because TSLA will go back up, hell if TSLA ever hits 250 I will bet the farm on it, because it's going back to 350 before June I will bet you.

Screenshot from 2025-02-26 20-02-30.png
You are going by TSLA stock, as if everything Musk had was all in this 1 stock.
That said, yes TSLA stock is down to 290 from it's recent high, but 6 months ago TSLA stock was 200, so it's not really that bad because TSLA will go back up, hell if TSLA ever hits 250 I will bet the farm on it, because it's going back to 350 before June I will bet you.

View attachment 79550

Actually this is a trend. Musk's wealth is mostly tied up in Tesla stock. And, in 2017 Democrats loved Tesla by 34%. Now it is down to -91%. Thats a negative move of over 100%. And Democrats are the major car buyers of Tesla. Republicans buy about 20%. Watch this as it continues to go down. :LOL:
The whole market is down right now, but that's because it's been overvalued, it's a normal pattern.
If TSLA was down for political reasons, then LCID and RIVN would be up, they are not.

That said there is a bill in Washington to hurt TSLA and boost RIVN and LCID .... but it just failed.

