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FrozenGate by Avery

fun with my new phr!

thats interesting, but all i really want is someone else to make is the host and heat sink. then i want to put together the rest.

Not a problem, nothing needs done with the host but to remove all the parts! shoot a pm to FP about the hs for the coleman max (tell him like the one you made for dont laze me bro) and he will know what your talking about! I will be interested to see how that one turns out!

haha me too... and with some hosts i thought you had to drill some of it out. if thats not the case with this one then ill just go to lowes to buy one. haha or my sisters could just "disappear" she has that same flash light.
haha me too... and with some hosts i thought you had to drill some of it out. if thats not the case with this one then ill just go to lowes to buy one. haha or my sisters could just "disappear" she has that same flash light.

Thats what sisters are for! Well that and a good laugh when you are sad!;)
haha I tend to "borrow" a lot of her stuff for my laser projects. I used one of her make up mirrors for my time tunnel effects machine. Oh and i do like that kit i just pmd him to see if hed switch the phr diode with a LCC.
haha I tend to "borrow" a lot of her stuff for my laser projects. I used one of her make up mirrors for my time tunnel effects machine. Oh and i do like that kit i just pmd him to see if hed switch the phr diode with a LCC.

I bet he would, he is a great guy! I love my red from him...
yup he said he would! but i did just buy a new laser so im needa wait a little while before i get one :/
no, i only have the red ones from wicked lasers, but they block plenty of blu-ray. the output after going through them is definetly below 5mw.
no, i only have the red ones from wicked lasers, but they block plenty of blu-ray. the output after going through them is definetly below 5mw.

Oh, good :) They make it super easy to focus the laser, I have had my PHR light red matches from about 7 feet (when it was at the 70mW)
lol yeah, it didnt take me long to figure out those goggles make all the difference. i just noticed you had 2 of those coleman max hosts. if one of the diodes dies and you dont wanna mess with it i wouldnt mind buying one from you.
