It doesn't need to be boost, I can use two 10440s. I just need a dropout voltage around 2V or less. Eudamonium (or however you spell his name) is working on some boost circuits, but his could be a while off, and I *might* be looking for something soon. And I hear the O-Like drivers get kind of iffy at their 200mA max, and if I use a GGW I'll want to run it at 200mA. I guess, though, I could get around 200mW or so with an SF-AW210 at 170mA with your 405-G-1 lens, and most people (who've used it) said that 170mA is alright for the O-like driver. So, I guess I'll be doing that, just as soon as I have an order or have money for one for myself.