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FrozenGate by Avery

FS- LPM, vintage, old skool...

How old is it? At least 6 years old going by the age of that post. Don't imagine it's been calibrated since? Do you have close up pictures of the sensor to verify that it is undamaged?
That's an old 2W Radiant Alpha from the time
MarioMaster was selling them.

Members interested would need to see a clearly
focused pic of the Sensor's active area.

Does it at least appear to be working? Need to see a photo of the sensor area.
It works perfectly and sensor area is not damaged from what I can tell or burned(?)
I will get a pic when I get to my shop
It was new when I got it and I used it about 10 times
It works perfectly and sensor area is not damaged from what I can tell or burned(?)
I will get a pic when I get to my shop
It was new when I got it and I used it about 10 times
Still waiting for pics...:whistle:

