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For Sale: 5-8mW 589 nm pointer

wishing you the best with it. I’m still looking for my 577nm yellow! Truely wish those 36mw jobs were still around.
Plot twist. He decided to keep his 589nm laser and refunded me.

I'm still actively hunting for 589nm laser pointers if anyone else has one for sale.
Sorry to hear that. When it comes to these the seller has to be 100% sure they want to sell it. Otherwise it can be a regrettable decision. I’m sure you’ll find another. Or buy a module and make your own 589nm handheld. CNI/Dragon lasers offer them. Due to handheld restrictions they stopped offering the complete handhelds.
Almost think we should do a group buy for the modules. I notice a lot of people (myself included) are looking for a 589. They don't make the pens anymore, but CNI still manufactures the PGL - VI module, which is what was used in the Phat CR2 host pens. I believe it's a bit over $400 for the 5mW 589 PGL - VI module. Just the OEM module would also be a lot easier to import in many places as the strictest restrictions are usually on pre-built handhelds.

I have a Aurora and Spartan so will only get a module if in a disaster scenario something happens to any of them. But it’s a good idea to do a GB. Quite a few want 589nm.
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I have sent sent Dragon Lasers an email asking for a quote on some of the yellow modules as well. Specifically the 5mW 589nm and 561nm, and the 30mW 589nm VI Series Laser Modules. For now I'm happy with any portable, doesn't need to be a pen. :cool: Even putting it in a plastic project box would suffice for the time being. Will probably eventually get a custom host for it, but for now, just want to see some 589 after a long time. :cool:

I asked CNI a long time ago. I am not sure if the prices are still accurate, but i got the response:

PGL-VI-589, 10mW output power, the price is EUR430/pc.
PGL-VI-589, 30mW output power, the price is EUR500/pc.
PGL-H1-589-5mW, built-in DC 3V PCB, 480 euro/pc;
PGL-H1-589-10mW, built-in DC 3V PCB, 530 euro/pc;
PGL-H1-589-20mW, built-in DC 3V PCB, 580 euro/pc;
PGL-H1-589-50mW, built-in DC 3V PCB, 780 euro/pc;
PGL-H1-589-80mW, built-in DC 3V PCB, 930 euro/pc.
The PGL-VI-472 was something like 350USD

Sure customs and import tax would need to be added, but i think its quite reasonable what they want for the modules.
Nevertheless, i didnt get around to buying one for myself.

I would go for the PGL-VI- with 30mW.
I have been in talks with CNI for about a week for 589nm module pricing. My plan was to do a group buy and have hosts made for them from lifetime17. I will make the post once I get the final pricing from CNI. They have a lot of questions, and it takes awhile to get a response due to the time difference.
By all means 589 should get done first, but when the time comes maybe we could even do a similar group buy for 561s from DL or Lasence
