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FrozenGate by Avery

Focusable mini ghetto 532

Oct 25, 2015
Focusable DX 200mw 532 + 2xAA case



It's not 200mw, but it burns.
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Your say it's a 200mw? That's a 1w pump diode, your going to overheat it if you run it more than 30 seconds on and 2 minutes off.

I stuck a 200mw 532 in this FL host I made the other day by cutting out and drilling a hole in a 1/4 piece of aluminum plate, so I added the copper tube and that lets it run without cooking. It's slapped together in minutes but it won't cook when I run it. I even use flush cutters and cut all the parts off the factory spring board, verify there is no continuity and repurpose what came in it.


Anything to add some heat sinking, drill a hole in a scrap of aluminum, even if you jam a square piece in there sideways with a mounting hole in it, just put something around it to give it a chance because they wont last naked like that, not if it's even 100mw.

Also those acrylic lenses are a PITA to clean without scratching, it's best to shield them from dust.

1 more thing, I think it's coming unscrewed, it's not really meant to focus like that and you are losing the little heat sinking that you have with the end hanging loose like that.
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Thats the best host yet!
well I actually crammed a 405nm module in a beer box as a joke as well.. But I also had to take a lil more time than that one. ha!
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You can easily focus the most 532nm modules by unscrewing what is usually the 3rd section (front) and it works fine. Does that module actually only have 2 sections or is the middle hidden under the tape?
You likely WAY overpaid for that module. Buy the Fasttech 3 and 5V ones that say 5mW ($6). Same driver board and probably the same output. Set the pot for a 430mA draw for generally the most output (at your own risk of course).
Yea I know if it's just the lens in the end you can focus that way, but all his cooling surface is that 1/2 inch in the back that's half covered with tape, it's going to burn up unless it's way under speck, but he said it will burn.

Hey pizzacato, are you wearing safety glasses when you burn with it?
Not even addressing ir leakage, just basic safety glasses for 532nm?
