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First timer to green laser needs help with 2000mw


Jun 24, 2014
hello there friends
i'm new to the laser mania and i've loved to get the green visible one to have fun in the woods and sea cursing.
so i bought this laser:
5miles 532nm Green Laser says on labe 2000mw
this is the link :

i didn't know anything about the mw or the wave length.
the laser requires 18650 4000mAh so i bought some ultrafire 4200mAh 4500mAh from local seller!
once the laser is delivered i try it, but its not visible in daylight or even in dark room it might be visible in the night sky because of fog and it certainly does not burn things (i didn't want it to burn but after seeing youtube videos i realized that 2000mw should burn).
so i have 2 questions for you:
1.could the laser be fine and the batteries are fake so that's why the laser is weak and does not do the job?
2.could the laser be fake and if so how to check the real mw for it without tools and meters?

thank you guys ,

2000mW in a 532nm hand held does not exist, if it did it would cost thousands of dollars. A 532nm of that power only exists in a lab laser and again will cost thousands of dollars. At that price for a 532nm you can expect 5mW to 40mW if its not visible in the dark its closer to 5mW.

thank you alan, an expert answer :)
but what about the batteries ! could they make visible laser invisible if they're weak?
sorry i've posted and wrong place, can anyone move to green lasers !
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thank you alan, an expert answer :)
but what about the batteries ! could they make visible laser invisible if they're weak?
sorry i've posted and wrong place, can anyone move to green lasers !

Where did you buy the laser? As Alan stated they have lied to you about the power output. The batteries can make a difference but not a 1995mW difference.

Return the laser to the seller and buy a new one from a more reputable source.
Where did you buy the laser? As Alan stated they have lied to you about the power output. The batteries can make a difference but not a 1995mW difference.

Return the laser to the seller and buy a new one from a more reputable source.
i've bought it from ebay seller i've open item case to sort this thing!
is there any trusted ebay seller that can sell green visible laser for under 10$?
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i've bought it from ebay seller i've open item case to sort this thing!
is there any trusted ebay seller that can sell green visible laser for under 10$?

...Under $10? ...Simple answer, No. You get what you pay for. Have a look at the Buy/Sell/Trade here and you will get an idea of how much a descent laser will cost you.

A 200mW 532nm(green) should be around $100.

Also, i don't trust most ebay sellers claims. Where about's do you live? Maybe you can send your laser to a member here to actually measure it for you so you have something to show the seller that you bought it from.
In short, no. You get what you pay for... laserbtb (that's a company, google it for the website) may be able to help you, but again, you get what you pay for.

ALSO: if this is your first laser, you really shouldn't be messing with anything over 5mW. Lasers can be very dangerous, especially cheap ones from eBay that are not only false advertising, but may produce invisible laser light that can permanently damage your eyes and you wouldn't even know it
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The laser is ok for such a low price but its never going to be anything powerful at that price. Ultrafire batteries are known to be of low quality and should be avoided but will work, they work fine in low power lasers but tend to not work as good in high power lasers where high current is required.

My suggestion to uyou is to buy a green laser off amazon. They are usually between 40-100mW and only cost 6 dollars. Just be safe. If you want anything more powerful than that you need to save. This is an expensive hobby, and the most 10 dollars will do for you is buy a midgrade lens. Then you still need Host, Heatsink, Diode, Diode Module, and Driver.
Well it is definitely not 2000mw. I don't know if their is a 2000mw 532nm in existence but if their is it would be thousands of dollars. If the one you got can't burn like you said it's probably at best 20mw. Sorry to say but you got scammed.
I will answer your questions directly:

1.could the laser be fine and the batteries are fake so that's why the laser is weak and does not do the job?

Highly unlikely. As everyone is saying, a 2000 mW 532 nm handheld laser isn't commercially available, especially not for $9. The eBay listing looks fake to me, but never claims anything about the power rating that I can see. I think it is probably a 5 mW laser.

2.could the laser be fake and if so how to check the real mw for it without tools and meters?

I think this is very likely. 2000 mW will cut through stuff, like electric tape, pretty easily. The claim of 2000 mW @ 532 nm sounds dubious to me, anyway, regardless of the price. The only way to tell the power of a laser is to use a laser power meter, but you might get a good idea of the power from the general appearance of the spot, beam, etc., and from the current and voltage draw on the diode.
