Kind of the same living situation and set up as me..
I don't have much room for a permanent work station, well I guess I can find a corner but my cat would be all over it

kinda sad but its the truth..
I have a burroe that I use a few draws to store the builds that are in cases but keep everything else in small tupperware all over the top. For me to build, its a whole scenerio of bringing out everything to my coffee table, soldering iron, helping hands, extention cords, tupperware etc. then put everything back while hoping my dam cat doesn't knock anything off while I turn my head for a sec.
I even have a permanant copper wire attached to my coffee table metal legs to hook my arm band esd strap to too.
I do though keep all the lenses on my modules especially because I live in a very dusty area and if not sealed in some type of bag.
I haven't noticed any power loss, nor burnt diode lens yet. I do have a decanned A140 and its still going well..
Cats growing and almost 4 so maby her play will slow and I can setup a proper station

To have so many diodes slowly losing power is a bit odd..I have to ask about the battery's being ok?