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FrozenGate by Avery

First build!

Oct 12, 2010
hai guise!

So I'm starting my first build soon, and im using it for school credit.
After searching through obnoxiously vauge tuts on youtube, i got fed up and figured I would ask the real laser community myself.

Basically my scenario is this.

Im buying a 150mW 405nm diode from ebay, a host from dealextreme, and an aixiz housing/module.
so my question is

how exactly to i put these things together. What do i need to solder to what?

does the aixiz module come with a driver built in?

would you guys suggest doing this differently?
an in depth tutorial of literally STEP BY STEP on how to this, especially putting the aixiz module in a housing, that would be helpfull.

The picture of the aixiz module i wanna buy does not seem to depict wires comming out of the back and im slightly confused by this.

bascially, if you guys could put together a list of the things i need asaid from an aixiz module, a housing, and the diode, i would be greatly appreciative.

I apologize for my terrible spelling, i would make an excuse for it, but i simply do not have one. :whistle:

thank you so much for any help you guys give me.

Read up on the stickies and you will answer all of your own questions. If you still have questions after doing a bit of reading, everyone will be more than willing to help out! Tech_Junkie's sig has a few links in it that you should read up on too. Find that too.

Good luck! And welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the help guys.
yeah after reading the general tut off LPF and not some kipkay video i got alot of usefull info. At this point im probably going to get the host and heat sink from hightechdealz.
and now im just looking for an appropreate driver for the 150mW 405nm diode.
Also, i bearly have a work bench let alone a vice, any suggestions for putting the diode in the Aixiz?

oh, and the austrailian accent will deffinetly work.
I recommend you practice your soldering a bit before applying your "skills" to expensive components.

One cheap way is to wrap a frame in thin steel wire, 1" apart, both ways.
That will give you a lot of crossing wires where you can practice bringing solder and iron together briefly.

You can search the forum for soldering guides too.
I have done alot of (well not alot, but some amount) research on how to solder. Seems like you just need to avoid making the mistakes like not tining or touching the solder to the actual iron.
another question, how do i set up the battey?
what do i solder to what. the two wires that come out of the back of the moduel, which one do i solder where? do i just solder them both to the pill?
oh and what is the pill exactly, would it be correct to assume it is what connects the driver/module to the battery?
