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FrozenGate by Avery

First Build

May 15, 2010
I've been reading and reading on here for the past week or 2 and have decided to make my first cheap red build.

I was looking at this for the host

Mini LED Handy Flashlight Torch For Sporting Camping on eBay (end time 30-Jul-10 11:36:55 BST)

basically because of the price and I like the look of it

I understand you need a module so I opted this one from Odicforce as the nternal diameter is 5.6 mm the same as the diode right ???
Laser Diode Housing AixiZ - Detailed item view - OdicForce Lasers Online Shop

and using this for the driver also from Odicforce
Laser Driver Board V3 - Detailed item view - OdicForce Lasers Online Shop

or could anyone reccomend any other driver/Module

thanks :)

Oh I'm looking at a 100mW diode to put in it
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Here is your HS with a housing in the UK.

Laser Module Housing w/ ~ 1" HEAT SINK - Plastic Lens on eBay.ca (item 120591719401 end time 07-Jul-10 23:24:11 EDT)

What if it doesn't fit? Do you have that host and heat sink?
Hey Kookapeli,

A couple of things...

First, great to see you diving in to a first build!

The main thing to think about is how you're going to get your minimum of 4V to power the build? That host only caters for AAA and will therefore be pretty narrow. I know there are small 3.7V Li-ion batteries that are about 1/2 AAA size but you'll have to use something other than a standard AAA because that is a linear driver. You could power it from a boost driver, (I'd look at the Flexdrive only, just because it's boost and buck so you don't have so much to match up), and a single 1.5V AAA as the current requirements for that 100mW won't be huge but I wouldn't expect it to run well for too long before needing to change a battery. (I think the driver will, however, fit inside the module so you chose correctly there! ;) )

I think you may also get away with minimal heatsinking, (if any at all), as you're only using the 100mW diode. I don't know if TJ was thinking you're going to use an LOC or whatever but anything higher than the one you're looking at and you certainly will need to think heat!

I'd perhaps look for a host that allows a bigger choice of batteries. This may be more expensive but I think you'll be able to find a deal.

Good luck and stay in touch!

[EDIT: The heatsink moonreft suggests will not fit in that host. Plus the item is located in California! Hardly what I'd describe as, "Here is your HS with a housing in the UK"! If you do need a heatsink for a build then drop me a line. We already know that we, at least, are in the same country!]

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That was going to be my second question :) but all in all, buying all of the above + diode + Batts should be good enough for a first build ???

Thanks moonrefit for that link :)


Hi Morgan I thought I could just get away with the 3 batts, guess not. I could go with the boost drive if thats the case. I just wanted to keep things as cheap as possible for my first build thats all :) slowely slowely catchy monkey kinda thing :D
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Dont thank moonrefit. He was talking out of his ass. What if you bought it and it didnt fit your application? Its easy to spend someone elses money, and he should not be recommending things unless he knows what he is talking about.

@Morgam. 100mW is still hot. I would still try to heat sink it.
Three batteries would be fine but where are you going to put them? That host only has the room for one AAA. The link moonreft gave you is a HS that fits a large number of hosts out there that have the, "9 LEDs", and a 3 AAA battery slug. (I've got one of the hosts I'm not really using if you want me to send it you? No LEDs, I could turn up a heatsink for you... Yada, yada... But you want cheap)

For a first build that's cheap, you can't go far wrong with one of the red kits from Odicforce. I did a review on one in the reviews section, (I've probably told you this already so sorry for repeating myself if so). "Odicforce Entry Level Laser", or something like that. It has everything you need and full instructions.

Hmmm, I would agree with TJ that, without a heatsink, this is not going to be a continuous use laser with that diode but with a sensible duty cycle I think you can afford to build it, then see if you absolutely need a heatsink. If you had the cash then you should buy one made for a suitable host to put it in but for now I think it'll survive until you find one. In the meantime a module clamp from Jon for £3.90 will do fine! -

Alloy Module Holder/Heatsink (12mm) - Detailed item view - OdicForce Lasers Online Shop

- When it gets warm, (not hot!), switch it off and let it cool. I have a PHR running at just short of 100mA that runs fine for just over a minute from cold without any heatsinking at all. Not trying to disagree Mr.TJ, sir, just gauging Kook's pocket and needs. ;) I get the feeling this will be a first laser that quickly gets left in the shade for a better one and won't have time to die from heat exhaustion!

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I thought that host did take 3 AAA's tbh, *Note to self read specs more closely) I've found another host 9 LED Aluminum Lamp Torch Flashlight Light +Holster on eBay (end time 02-Aug-10 23:12:00 BST)

so looks like it's got plenty of room to work on, I probbably will get that mini heatsink
just to see how it goes, but I guess it will do for a first build anyway and will keep the duty cycle to a reasonable amount.

I'll stick with the linear drive on this occasion.

so with all the above parts I'm gonna get should be a reasonable first build with someone with very little soldering experience :)

Oh will probbably buy a test load too just incase :p

Thanks for your valuble input guys
Yep, that's the one you're after! It looks the same as the one I've got. If that's the case only the tail cap unscrews and you'll have to get at the rest through the front lens. There was a little hole at the edge of mine to allow you to lever it out. Mine cracked but as you won't need it anyway... Who cares!

As far as I know that heatsink moonreft linked is designed for those hosts but check with the suppliers.

You will have a couple of engineering solutions to find to install all the parts but that's the fun. Any problems then you know where we are!

Pics when done please...

I'll drop them a mail and find out :) I probably wont start untill a week or 2, first got to buy the build stuff 1 week and the soildering tools etc the next but will sure be able to post some pics when I do
I'm not sure if you got this straightened out or not.

The module you linked to (AixiZ being sold by Odiforce) is 12mm diameter.

The heat sink that Moonreft linked you to (Lasers4U) has a hole for the module that is 10.5mm in diameter. It is made to hold the Lasers4U module.

You cannot use that module in that heat sink unless you drill out the hole

I did see that but you get the module with the h/sink that would accept a 5.6 mm diode so I would just buy that and not the axiz module :)


On another note I may have acess to some old DVD burners 8x or 16x what would the mW output be running of 3AAA's running off a LM317 driver set at 250mA ?

Well build parts ordered, now need Multimeter, iron etc now :)

*2nd EDIT*

I've just got all the bits to put my laser together (apart from a heatsink :( )
and I've knocked together my own test load (I think) can anyone tell me if it would work ?

Built with 4 1N4001 Diodes and a 1Ohm Resistor


  • Testload1.JPG
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  • Testload2.JPG
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Well i've finaly finished my build, it took a coupple of days but made it :D

It was one of Jayrobs builds the pocket pal (parts sourced by myself) the heatsink (and a little silicon wire) was supplied by Morgan and is quite nicely done (thanks again M ) I've still a few tweaks to do, the focusing is a little dodgy but i'll sort it out

It didnt go as nicely together as I'd hoped, but for a first build I'm quite happy. fitting the driver was fun and was a very tight squeeze and the retainig ring was a b***ch to get back in after triming it too. It does the normal tricks, not sure what the output is.

Overall I had great fun putting it together and hope to build more in the future

here's a few pics of my build


  • azix h sink.jpg
    azix h sink.jpg
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  • Done.jpg
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  • Nearly There.JPG
    Nearly There.JPG
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  • not quite.jpg
    not quite.jpg
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  • Finished.jpg
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:gj:Well done kookapeli!

I've been waiting for you to get there! I see you went with the smaller of your two drivers.

How did you isolate the heatsink in the end?

You may be able to bend the pins of the diode a little to get the module further into the heatsink if you wanted to but it looks just fine for a first build.

What is the focus problem you have?

Glad I could help out with a heatsink. Just for all you other builders, for some of this great silicon wire then contact Flaminpyro as that's where this stuff came from. Very flexible, nice and fine, (no idea of the gauge I'm afraid), and the silicon insulation doesn't like to melt when you're pretinning or soldering. I wouldn't use anything else now!

Good stuff kook!!!

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