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FrozenGate by Avery

First Build! - 200mw 532 Module C6 host


Oct 26, 2013
My order from dealextreme finally came in the mail, more than 40 days after it was posted, but I cant complain since their prices are so low.

So here it is. The module is a 200mw from laserlands and I have to say, it might actually be close to its rated output power. With this module on 4.2v the dot is blindingly bright even in the daytime, the beam is also exceptionally tight.


Beamshots are coming soon, hopefully the phone pics are ok :)

My phonecam really struggles with low light, so here are the beamshots that dont completely suck

This is my first time seeing 532 and I'm absolutely loving it.
Thanks man, my phone is a nexus 4. If anyone's interested. 635 and 445 are coming soon :eg:
Highly unlikely it is actually 200mW. Probably 500mW of green. Judging by dealextreme ' s tendencies and the pictures. You may have an additional 100mW of IR though. Nice first build, however looks clean!
I dunno wbs... That twilight shot was fairly convincing. It looks to be at least 120mw 532
I've managed to pop balloons almost instantly at around 5 feet if that means anything. Didn't get 532 for burning anyway, wanted it for visibility.
Yeah that twilight shot isn't bad at all. Hmm...I wish everybody got a free LPM when they signed up. Wouldn't have any ponderings about this, we would just know. Also...I'd like a free spectrometer since I have an LPM now :)
You and me both brother. :) took me three years to finally get an lpm.

I've managed to pop balloons almost instantly at around 5 feet if that means anything. Didn't get 532 for burning anyway, wanted it for visibility.

The burning can often be attributed to IR, but I believe the pics tell the whole story. That's a fair amount of green. Burning is for n00bs :p
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It's hard to tell how much mW a laser have without an laser power meter, especialy if it's a green one. If you say it have 200mW and it's bought from DX maybe it's overspec.
