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FrozenGate by Avery

FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointers.

Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

nice, back to penguins. i like them better, plus whenever i see penguins i know its you.

Agreed! I think I'll stick to this avatar so you won't get confused anymore(at least for a couple months) :)


Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

The V-H model is the low cost version yes. It isn't a scientific labby. That's why it's so much cheaper. It's a much more simple and low cost build. They're mostly used for light shows and things where the beam quality doesn't matter.
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

ill ask about all that, but i think they come with the PSU, however the only version they come with is the one for 500mW because that's the one it needs.

Perhaps that is true but it doesn't then explain why all 532nm CNI labbys on the Dragon Lasers site all run from $850 to $1450. $200 with power supply is way far away from those prices unless for $200 all you get tis the garbage they can't sell to anyone else and would otherwise need to recycle into better quality modules---either that or Dragon Lasers is an opportunistic ecconomic rapist of a company like Wicked Lasers has always been, however I don't think they are so is worth asking the actual specs of the $200 532nm module and does it come with or without a power supply--if it comes with one--which one.

I mean, who is going to buy one if we can't even have/don't even get the actual details of the product-- what is being proposed that we buy in the real world other than it is a 532nm green lab style laser which no way ot considering buying a lab laser.??
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Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

Perhaps that is true but it doesn't then explain why all 532nm CNI labbys on the Dragon Lasers site all run from $850 to $1450. $200 with power supply is way far away unless for $200 all you get tis the garbage they can't sell to anyone else and would otherwise need to recycle into better quality module---either that or Dragon Lasers is an opportunistic ecconomic rapist of a company like Wicked Lasers has always been, however I don't think they are so is worth asking the actual sepcs of the $200 532nm module and does it come with or without a power supply--if it comes with oone--which one.
I mean who is going to buy one if we can't even have/don't even get a handle on the actual details what is being proposed that we buy in the real world other than 532nm green lab style laser??

Dragon Lasers has some 532nm labbies for $340.

Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

Dragon Lasers has some 532nm labbies for $340.


Yes they do, have a 532nm labby for $340, not labbies. What is being offered for is $340?
The DL web page says "M series 20mW + 5%" Additionally, inthe specs section of the page shows M series 1 - 400mW, no 500mW, even if you missed the dropdown menu of choices which reveal the prices for the unit offered when picked.

If you view the dropdown and look at the only two 532nm, 500mW units offered they are: "FN series 500mW + 5%" @ $1450 and "H series 500mW + 5%" @ $850. So none of what Dragon Laserrs offers is what is being offered in this GB, that is why I questioned this GB offer of a 500mW 532nm CNI "labby" for $200?

The data sheet link in th OP show a PGL-V-H which is a low cost light show/stage lighting laser --that is how they are described everywhere that sells them--e-bay, aliexpress and others. see: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/cni-laser

Is certainly not a really "labby" in the sense of Laboratory high quality precision laser, in my way of thinking anyway.

The CNI data sheet shows several different stabilities offered offered for PGL-V-H and analog or TTL modulation choices etc.
The worst is a 532nm w.stablity <20%.
Which spec is being offered @ $200 in the GB? PGL-V-H is shown on the CNI data page under "Low Cost Green Laser" here 532 nm green laser.

Anyway, need to know all the details and to be able to consider participating/buying. So my question is still what 500mW 532nm is being offered with what specifications and what power supply for $200?
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Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

Yes they do, a labbie for $340. What is being offered for is $340? The DL web page says "M series 20mW + 5%" Additionally the specs section of the page shows M series 1 - 400mW even if you missed the dropdown menu of choices which reveal the prices for the unit offered when picked.

f you view the dropdown and look at the only two 532nm, 500mW units offered they are: "FN series 500mW + 5%" @ $1450 and "H series 500mW + 5%" @ $850
So none of what Dragon Lasrers offers is what is being offered in this GB, that is why I questioned this GB offer of a 500mW 532nm CNI labbie for $200?

The data sheet link in th OP show a PGL-V-H which is low cost a light show/stage lighting laser --that is how they are described everywhere that sells them--enay, aliexpress and others.
Is not a really "labbie" in my way of thinking.
The CNI data sheet shows several diffent stabilities offered offered for PGL-V-H and anaolg or TTL modulation choices etc.the worst is a 532nm w.stablity <20%-which spec is being offered for $200
PGL-V-H is shown on the CNI data page under "Low Cost Green Laser" here 532 nm green laser.

Anyway, need to know all the details and to be able to consider participating/buying. So my question is still what 500mW 532nm is being offered with what specifications and what power supply for $200?

oh i thought i replied to that other post! i emailed them today about it, havent heard back but ill keep you updated. also, while it isn't a lab laser there are a few who would call it a labby do to the package configuration (its not designed for being handheld). hasn't anyone else heard of that style laser referred to as a labby?
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

So I really want a 561nm pointer and I feel that this may be a rare opportunity to acquire one. I'd be willing to buy a few in order to get an order of 5 in. Who else here would be willing to commit to buying one and paying within say the next week? We only need two other buyers. I'd handle the payment/distribution.
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

So I really want a 561nm pointer and I feel that this may be a rare opportunity to acquire one. I'd be willing to buy a few in order to get an order of 5 in. Who else here would be willing to commit to buying one and paying within say the next week? We only need two other buyers. I'd handle the payment/distribution.

alright! (not an angry alright this is a happy allright, hard to tell by text) but yay, we have someone to do the group buy! :)

Maybe you should make your own thread for the GB and i can redirect people to it from here. i dont think the prices are going anywhere really, so if you can wait (which i know is super hard for someone in your position XD) that might be better, just to get more people and all. although this was kinda my whole thing for a little bit it really isn't anymore, so you should just take over, and i don't mean to shift the whole thing onto you, but people will trust it more if the thread is by you and not some noob with a strange old man as an avatar :p
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Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

oh i thought i replied to that other post! i emailed them today about it, havent heard back but ill keep you updated. also, while it isn't a lab laser there are a few who would call it a labby do to the package configuration (its not designed for being handheld). hasn't anyone else heard of that style laser referred to as a labby?

Maybe they mean this one:?? CNI 532nm good beam output 500mw green laser module for stage laser light with show-in Laser Pens from Computer & Office on Aliexpress.com | Alibaba Group
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

ok, so they responded: the laser has 20% power stability and without the power supply its 180$, the PSU is the 500mW one from the datasheet. anything else? also idk if styropyro wants to order these lasers too, maybe only the 561nm lasers.
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

ok, so they responded: the laser has 20% power stability and without the power supply its 180$, the PSU is the 500mW one from the datasheet. anything else? also idk if styropyro wants to order these lasers too, maybe only the 561nm lasers.

OK great --:thanks:! At least we know now what we considering to purchase for $200 FOB, CNI China. Yes?

OK, you received a reply from CNI that indicates the PGL-V-H 532nm module is $180ea. without a PSU and with a PSU $200. Are you sure the PSU-V-OEM-N is only $20 ?? --doesn't seem right bu could be -- PSU-V-OEM-N runs on 5VDC. Does the $20, if it really is that, include the 90 to 264VAC adapter to power it or is that an additional charge also?

Just so people get an idea of what the PGL-V-H 532nm-500mW module for $180 is and what the module's physical dimemsions are ---it is a small low cost/lowest tolerance spec CNI laser show stage light green laser module --- Dimensions are 97mm/3.81" L X 40mm/1.57"H X 40mm/1.57"W --small/compact

I located another CNI official page on Alibaba about the unit--has much larger drawings and more information ---it also, the web page, shows the price for 1 piece as being $130 FOB CNI factory -- all the details are the same as in most recent CNI web site data sheets and all of the newest itmes appear on this Alibaba CNI site here: http://cnilaser.en.alibaba.com/ See: PGL-V-H-532-500mW page here: 532nm Laser Show Stage Light Green laser, View Green laser, CNI Product Details from Changchun New Industries Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.com

Interestingly CNI themselves say on the page above: " The PGL-V-H-532-500mW is specifically design for the RGB laser show. "
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Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

If you are wanting CNI labbies, you may want to consider Goldenstar lasers.

PGL-FS-VH 500MW - $240.00 : Laser Light-goldenstarlaser.com, Laser Light-goldenstarlaser.com

This is a 500mW CNI greenie with driver/PSU for $240 with shipping included. The page is very vague so you'd want to confirm with them, but they are open to quantity discounts if you can get a few orders in. I've ordered through them in the past with good service, and so have others here.
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

styro, that's a good alternative for sure. Last year we had a G.B. for Goldenstar 532nm labbies; here's a Link to the G.B. thread.
The lasers were all over spec, some by quite a bit; here's a look at the one I received.
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Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

OK great --:thanks:! At least we know now what we considering to purchase for $200 FOB, CNI China. Yes?

OK, you received a reply from CNI that indicates the PGL-V-H 532nm module is $180ea. without a PSU and with a PSU $200. Are you sure the PSU-V-OEM-N is only $20 ?? --doesn't seem right bu could be -- PSU-V-OEM-N runs on 5VDC. Does the $20, if it really is that, include the 90 to 264VAC adapter to power it or is that an additional charge also?

Just so people get an idea of what the PGL-V-H 532nm-500mW module for $180 is and what the module's physical dimemsions are ---it is a small low cost/lowest tolerance spec CNI laser show stage light green laser module --- Dimensions are 97mm/3.81" L X 40mm/1.57"H X 40mm/1.5"W --small/compact

I located another CNI official page on Alibaba about the unit--has much larger drawings and more information ---it also the web site shows the price for 1 piece as being $130FOB factory -- all the details are the same as in most recent CNI web site data sheets and all of the newest itmes appear on this Alibaba CNI site here: Changchun New Industries Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. - UV Laser,Green Laser See: PGL-V-H-532-500mW page here: 532nm Laser Show Stage Light Green laser, View Green laser, CNI Product Details from Changchun New Industries Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. on Alibaba.com

Interestingly CNI themselves say on the page above: " The PGL-V-H-532-500mW is specifically design for the RGB laser show. "

well, i told you all that i know right now, so i hope it helped. also yeah, 20$ for a PSU sounds crazy but that's what i was quoted. $20 less without a PSU could also just be them increasing the price of the laser itself a bit.

If you are wanting CNI labbies, you may want to consider Goldenstar lasers.

PGL-FS-VH 500MW - $240.00 : Laser Light-goldenstarlaser.com, Laser Light-goldenstarlaser.com

This is a 500mW CNI greenie with driver/PSU for $240 with shipping included. The page is very vague so you'd want to confirm with them, but they are open to quantity discounts if you can get a few orders in. I've ordered through them in the past with good service, and so have others here.

styro, that's a good alternative for sure. Last year we had a G.B. for Goldenstar 532nm labbies; here's a Link to the G.B. thread.
The lasers were all over spec, some by quite a bit; here's a look at the one I received.

well, thanks for the recommendation! i may just have to buy from there.
Re: FEELER CNI 561nm 5mW pointer, 500mW 532nm labby.

I can't take this anymore.

I'm in for 561. :tinfoil:
