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FrozenGate by Avery

Feb 8 2019 - The day I made this post

Jul 16, 2017
Hi, laser friends! I want to start off by saying - let's get Bruce back :) If you are new here, and/or are not sure who Bruce is - search for him. His work made me keep taking pictures and trying new things. I'd like to see some Bruce "OC" pic posts here, again :)

So...here are some newer pics I've taken. I got some "line generators" from the good folks at Aixiz lasers, and have been messing around with them some more. I also figured out a good way to mount my smaller mirrors so they have MUCH better range of motion, and while it might not be evident in the final shot, getting to that point is so much easier. It's the little things :)

Also - a small album of "lights-on" photos for those interested: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmAk1o4P



SOME of the best eye candy EVER!!

Keep posting lots of laser porn-- we never get enough!!!

showing demos like this make a ton more sense than burning stuffs.
I think we all should leave lighting balloons and popping matches out of the pic.

It is NOT what LPF is 'about'.
If you asked all LPF vets--when did you last burn stuffs--most will say..'been so long I do not remember'.
ANd I would say showing parents lasers burning stuffs is about as dumb as a box of fricken rocks.
