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Eye safe laser to kill mosquitoes ?


I worked on a project to try to shoot mosquitoes with a laser. It was made with :
- raspberry pi 3
- raspi cam
- 2 galvanometers to control the direction of the laser
- a fast relay to switch on/off the laser
- some electronics to control the galvanometers with the raspi (mcp4922)
- opencv to track the moving object
and the laser ...
(not sure it will be able to shoot any mosquito :) )
I stopped this project because of the safety of the laser (too dangerous). But is it possible to find a real "eye safe" laser to kill mosquitoes ?
I saw similar projects saying they use "eye safe" lasers.



Hello @isingkarim, in case you still see my message, I would like to do similar project but to use the laser pointer to indicate where the mosquito is (on the wall) so that I can go and kill it myself :-).
If you ever posted your RPI work on a Github or somewhere else I'd appreciate you'd give me its link.

Thanks in advance!


I agree with everyone here, if it’s strong enough to FRY a bug, than it is way more than strong enough to sear your retinas. One misstep and boom, your eye is fried. Please stop this before anyone gets hurt. (I’m not saying you aren’t responsible or something, but it’s not worth the risk of losing your eyesight.)
No, no, and no!
This will NEVER happen. Please stop trying before someone gets hurt. You CANNOT kill a mosquito with an eye-safe laser. Case closed.
ACTUALLY there is not such thing as an eye safe laser--exception is a black laser. requires no batteries or eye protection and is free.

here is the truth:
even the 99 cent red cat toy lasers are NOT eye safe.
Ever shine sunlight thru a mag glass?
You can set stuff on fire.
OUR eyes have a lens that can increase the power MANY times.

and the last thing we need is someone thinking there are ANY eye safe lasers. NONE are eye safe.

I think you are kidding us--- this is a joke RIGHT??
ACTUALLY there is not such thing as an eye safe laser--exception is a black laser. requires no batteries or eye protection and is free.

here is the truth:
even the 99 cent red cat toy lasers are NOT eye safe.
Ever shine sunlight thru a mag glass?
You can set stuff on fire.
OUR eyes have a lens that can increase the power MANY times.

and the last thing we need is someone thinking there are ANY eye safe lasers. NONE are eye safe.

I think you are kidding us--- this is a joke RIGHT??
I think Sta was just trying to make a generalization to inform the OP.

Either way, this was a long time ago...
Please do not take this the wrong way.
BUT try to get into the habit of SEARCHING before you post.
I fully understand that it is nice to interact with our wonderful members AND I have been guilty of asking Qs and NOT searching too--long ago so I get it,

BUT remember that we love to work with/on our lasers.
HAD you searched you would see some great vids and learn a lot w/o having us do this for you.
it CAN be done but hardly worth all the effort.
To zap bugs the easy way is an electric bug zapper and NOT a laser.
here is what you missed while waiting on us to spoon feed you...ok?

some great vids of mosquitos getting zapped by laser .
You must have lots of free time lol!!
However your question is no where near the one I saw asking if a laser can be used to KILL WEEDS-- duh!

check these out-- great photography!!

make the search bar your best friend and give us NEW questions this has also been discussed here at LPF>

in south Tex
where we have VERY hungry & aggressive skeeters!
While hard to do stopping them.. by eliminating standing water is where the eggs are laid does help-- old tires might be the very worst.
BTW the eggs 'live' forever.... they are there just waiting for any rain even if it takes a very long time.
Our best 'friend' is the dragonfly-- and bats!!
what about an asg pistol? also a weird idea but at least not that dangerous ;d
Good luck hitting a mosquito with an AirSoft pistol lol.

However there are fly "shotguns" that use salt as projectiles to obliterate flys.
Good luck hitting a mosquito with an AirSoft pistol lol.

However there are fly "shotguns" that use salt as projectiles to obliterate flys.
I mean, u could try a full auto glock for example :D
what about an asg pistol? also a weird idea but at least not that dangerous ;d
not sure what that is MYB just available in Eu or Poland??..
show us a pic if you can--

How are things going over there?
I am Praying for everyone everywhere.
Today one expert sez we may need to wear masks and practice seperation for as long as two more YEARS!
Trump has his head up his ass. He is such an embarassment. ANd it looks like we will have live with him for 4 more years-- he may EVEN 'cancel' the next election in November.

..i have pumped up my Benj. and without a BB or pellet used just the air to kill some insects. lol

STAY SAFE and well my friend. Len in TEXAS
not sure what that is MYB just available in Eu or Poland??..
show us a pic if you can--

How are things going over there?
I am Praying for everyone everywhere.
Today one expert sez we may need to wear masks and practice seperation for as long as two more YEARS!
Trump has his head up his ass. He is such an embarassment. ANd it looks like we will have live with him for 4 more years-- he may EVEN 'cancel' the next election in November.

..i have pumped up my Benj. and without a BB or pellet used just the air to kill some insects. lol

STAY SAFE and well my friend. Len in TEXAS
Tbh I would just buy this device that u plug in your electrical socket and it kills bugs. It’s cheap, effortless and it works.

The situation here is not good at all. Everything is closed except supermarkets and pharmacies. You can only go out to doctor, pharmacy or supermarket. If u go somewhere else, for example to the park, you’ll be fined. At least we don’t have that many infections today. (Pray for the US)
Stay home. Stay safe,
