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FrozenGate by Avery

Everyone keep an eye out for xuen7

I'm not your dude...
The name is lasersbee or Jerry
These are my opinions friom the data in the posts above here and
your past performance on the Forum....


1) I do not accept a damaged package delivered here...

2) When I receive hidden damaged goods... the first thing I do
is contact the seller IMMEDIATELY with PICTURES of the damaged
goods and any packaging...

3) I keep in touch with the seller.....

4) I don't wait 26 days for it to go away by itself....

But then again... that's probably just me....:undecided:


Nah it's just you. Sometimes I wait 2 or 3 months before I even talk to the seller.


I think the pictures are pretty definitive. Why would he break his HeNe AFTER his paypal dispute was already dismissed?

"Now that I have very little ability to reclaim my money I am going to break the HeNe that arrived in perfect working condition just so I can take a picture to post online." - Seems like an unlikely train of thought.

Do you have pictures of the packaging? I see some in the picture but more information or full pictures would help.
Alrighty, this is how i think this should end because it escalated pretty badly.

Laserbee, thank you for your input and whoever will read this thread will learn not to reply to messages after a long time. Yes, some things that xuen7 did were strange and not good behaviors from a buyer who had an issue with the seller. Obviously xuen7 and yourself have an issue but it be best to just drop it and let him be on his way.

Xuen7, I dont want you to feel like you're the bad guy cause thats not how I see it. I mistakened you for a scammer because of the few strange things you did. I am sorry for the damaged package. I didn't mean for this thread to "haunt you", I just got scared for other members. Since you didn't reply to many of my messages, I thought it would be better to warn people instead of hope that you were just busy. I'm obviously not around you all the time so I don't know what you do or why you didn't reply to my messages earlier. But I'd rather make sure nobody else got scammed just incase you were a scammer. Once again, I apologize for this whole situation.

Whoever else reads this thread, thank you for looking and have a nice day =]

how much did he buy it for? Unless he got ripped off on price I dont see any motivation for him to break it and try to get his money back.
