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Event Workers (including laser shows) NEEDS our support and any help we can give.

Apr 2, 2009
Most Lasers Show OPs dont really make a ton of money==LEDs now have part of the biz and does it cheaper and safer. BUT we like lasers!!
Check these vids out- made by a great friend of ours-- He hosted TEXTEM 2012-- he 'works' out of San Marco== send him an 'attaboy' while you are Facebook-

Even WITH help-- it looks very bad..

Tim Walsh jumped on this project with the passion for live events that we all share.

#RedAlertRESTART #ExtendPUA #SaveOurStagesAct #WeMakeEvents

..^^^ borrowed from FB--there are 4 videos.
hope that is OK/allowed..

when will you post?? uh?
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Red Alert stuff is going on in new states/areas etc--

google search and find yours---who is helping them? higher paid folks (NFL>NBL>MLB--and many more ) need to go to the end of the line--not our fault if you failed to save for a rainy day--------& ITS RAINING!!
Sorry, Len. I don't do Facebook. If there is any other way I can help let me know.
Sorry, Len. I don't do Facebook. If there is any other way I can help let me know.
they do link thru FB ..

the data is AFAIK accurate- not political-- I never realized how many millions of good people are out of work.
AND an impact of 30 Billion $$ LOST.... is staggering-- efx all- --

bbl with 'clean link--sry bout that--paul
this link is not FB --Tim created an appeal and a work of art..nice guy too.
it is a bigger deal than imagined--

one prob BTW there is a group afail named red alert--
we need to tell our congress to help these folks
Wow, $300 billion is a lot to just lose. Anyone look in Trump's family business account? :LOL:
Big thanks to Tim Walsh for putting this show together to spotlight the issue. Laserists have been hit hard, along with everyone in the live entertainment industry, as a result of Covid-19. I've heard some companies say that it could be 2 to 3 years before the industry recovers to pre-covid levels. I'm fortunate enough that my day job is still mostly unaffected, and while I did have to cancel 3 commercial gigs that I would have otherwise been able to run, the money I earn from laser shows is *not* what pays the mortgage. But for those of us who do this sort of thing every day to earn a living, the future looks mighty grim.

Wow, $300 billion is a lot to just lose. Anyone look in Trump's family business account? :LOL:
Was that the amount in the vid?? I wrote 30 Billion$
point is--the average Joe does not know how VERY large the 'industry' long long list of who makes the events happen.
The vid by John Penn (UK) is where I started, the next one is also HK- but longer and it really touched me.. so sad.
Some of the numbers are Pounds not dollars and the total of some groups would be small than USA. felt a little
like being scolded--all CAPS and BOLD-but it was very easy to read...
Event wokers are very skilled-BUT those skills may not be able to get them a new job- in a new 'Fiield'.

here is a link to the youtube search I did --twice as manay RA vids than yeaterday.
and in case someone was wondering--this is NOT about who wins what-election - W/O Fed help
WE well lose some of the things that make us feel alive. "They ' will be the last to reopen but
They were the first to be shut down-&---before schools, before other gatherings , before the churches on TV-- before sports-- which in part are 'event workers/people etc)

just check out the RA vids--


Congress needs to know we want these Americans to survive. Each video shows some new info- not all are from USA-
USA event people.. It would be nice if many of the 'groups' whose concerts in a great part were created by 'Event Workers'
could help out-- some of them might be even in worse situation-- but many could do some pay back--

Did I see in one vid that 30,000 make up event workers as well as everyone else in the
trickle -down' misnomer-- more like a water fall.
Even a small event takes 500 people total. empty seats are not doable-- ....
so-- no event --no people-nobody flying- renting cars , taking cabs , Uber -staying at a hotel or eating out anywhere-- and all those who make THOSE jobs possible- there in 'no wins' in this one.
TY to all who take the time to look at the links. If the events go funded-by GRANTS ( not loans)--

btw since there is a 'group' called Red Alert you will need to go to the correct YTube vids-- at last look there were 7 vids--
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The House passed a $3.4 trillion bill, but Moscow Mitch has just been sitting on it. There's a very good chance the Senate will turn over this year. It will be late, but better than nothing. The House even tried coming down by $2 trillion, but Trump and the Senate are having none of that.
You wish the Senate would turn over but only 1/3 of the 100 seats are on the ballot....well 35 this time so nothing is guaranteed, I think the house will flip red as all 435 seats are all on the ballot and after the impeachment debacle people will want to send a message.

Maybe tell Nancy to stop adding on her pork projects to a relief bill, dam democrats are all thieves and liars.
Well, the majority of voters since Trump took office have been trending Democrat and people are truly tired of Trump. I know the base Trump has isn't, but they are a shrinking number and it is looking more like the House will only add to its majority while we only need 3 or 4 Senate members to flip. That is the likely outcome. It is too bad that McConnell and Trump won't even talk to the the House, but with Trump melting down "it is what it is." There are literally millions of people who will be homeless soon. No help in sight from republicans.
People in democrat strongholds are voting republican more than you think this November, people are tired of democrats taking them for granted and doing nothing, I expect a red wave in November and remember it was democrats who wanted the country kept closed down, democrats worked hard to hurt the Trump economy because they saw it as a threat to their gaining power this November and no last minute jockeying will change the fact that democrats wanted to destroy the economy and said so just because they hate Trump, we have all seen the hypocrisy of democrats and their lust for control.
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Yeah, keep telling yourself that while Democrats rack up victory after victory. Trump has had full knowledge of this pandemic's infectiousness back as early as January, but Trump was too concerned about impeachment and flavored inhalents to be bothered with it. Now we have the worst epidemic of any rich country with no end in sight. Trump is as incompetent as he's always been, but now there a problem that he didn't make himself and he has no idea how to get us out of it. No one is voting for republicans this year, except in deeply red states.
No one person is responsible for a global virus ( except China ) that democrats downplayed and told people " Go see a show, I will see you all at the parade " and then diverted the nations attention on a ridiculous impeachment that was nothing more than a one sided Trump bashing festival while ignoring what was important.

Keep telling yourself that, democrats have shown how they ruin cities and put people in harms way while stuffing their own pockets, Bidens son isn't worried about where his next meal is coming from........ this will be a republican landslide, start preparing your excuses now.
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Trump got himself impeached and it got bipartisan votes for conviction.....something that had never ever happened before for a sitting impeached president. He should have been removed. Pence would have taken over and your chances would have been better now. But, no. This is the party of Trump now. No convictions, no platform, just what Trump says. That's just nuts! He won't be here forever even if, and that's a very big IF, he get reelected.
Trump got himself impeached and it got bipartisan votes for conviction.....something that had never ever happened before for a sitting impeached president. He should have been removed. Pence would have taken over and your chances would have been better now. But, no. This is the party of Trump now. No convictions, no platform, just what Trump says. That's just nuts! He won't be here forever even if, and that's a very big IF, he get reelected.

