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Enough with Burning. LETS MAKE SOMETHING!


remember, for living room use and just learning, you don't need much power.

.3 to .5W is plenty.

a decent 100mW 532 with analogue modulation will cost about 100$ shipped, and a good set of galvos (dt30) is maybe another 300$.

start there, and then as time and money allow, add a opnext single mode 642 diode and analogue modulation driver.. (~100$)

do the same thing with a 445 diode. the single modes have much better beam specs, but the multimodes are more powerful. i'd choose beam specs over power.

use the dichros from a c**** projector (~10$), and hunt ebay for some kinematic mounts (mm1). they'll run 30-40$ each.

dtr's laser shop is a good resource for diodes and dichro kits:


i'd stay away from arduino based DAC's, they're just not powerful enough. however, if they're the only thing in your price range, get one of these:

Me & Mr. Cranky Pants Main/Open Laser Show DAC

if you have the money, i would encourage you to get a riya micro dac or etherdream.

for laser show software, i strongly recommend LSX. the "basic" version starts at 130$ and is way more powerful than quickshow.

So is there something with LOTS of utility?

So.. at the beginning , you have marginal knowledge with regards to laser projectors . Your pockets isn't that deep. So you build a basic laser projectors on the platform.

At intermediate stage, you are more knowledgeable in the matter , you have more money. You expand upon the projector and start incorporating more sophisticated Arduino designs.

Later , you got the basic know hows about the laser projector. You now wishes to experiment with it .

So basically , a single laser projector that can be constantly upgraded and evolved without needing to start over from the ground up :D

is there such a thing?

So is there something with LOTS of utility?

So.. at the beginning , you have marginal knowledge with regards to laser projectors . Your pockets isn't that deep. So you build a basic laser projectors on the platform.

At intermediate stage, you are more knowledgeable in the matter , you have more money. You expand upon the projector and start incorporating more sophisticated Arduino designs.

Later , you got the basic know hows about the laser projector. You now wishes to experiment with it .

So basically , a single laser projector that can be constantly upgraded and evolved without needing to start over from the ground up :D

is there such a thing?

sounds like your describing a video game! lol jk

for my first one I wanted to grab one of these from one of haks GB's


look at post # 10
@swami That's sick. I've been working on my own projector and have been happy with my 25k galvos from goldenstar. They've worked great for beam shows and some animation. I doubt they'd they could do what your projector does. Thanks now I have to spend more money. Are those the DT-30's or are faster that that?

My projector started as an arduino for a DAC and galvos from a laserdisc player. It could do very basic graphics (like a star) and simple text. Great for beam shows. I followed the instructable for using speakers for galvos, except I used galvos.

Later I added a Lasershark DAC, 25k galvos, and a blue cni laser, then came the red. I created the mirror mounts myself however due to lack of time and various stupid mistakes I have not yet had all three lasers combined and connected to the DAC at the same time. So far I've been using openlase. I like the concept however I would like to use some software that i could make a full show. Without having to code it
they're dt40w's running at 30k.

i had a set of those laserdisk player galvos for a while. they're fun to wire up to audio amplifiers and play music through.

@swami That's sick. I've been working on my own projector and have been happy with my 25k galvos from goldenstar. They've worked great for beam shows and some animation. I doubt they'd they could do what your projector does. Thanks now I have to spend more money. Are those the DT-30's or are faster that that?

My projector started as an arduino for a DAC and galvos from a laserdisc player. It could do very basic graphics (like a star) and simple text. Great for beam shows. I followed the instructable for using speakers for galvos, except I used galvos.

Later I added a Lasershark DAC, 25k galvos, and a blue cni laser, then came the red. I created the mirror mounts myself however due to lack of time and various stupid mistakes I have not yet had all three lasers combined and connected to the DAC at the same time. So far I've been using openlase. I like the concept however I would like to use some software that i could make a full show. Without having to code it
3K sounds about right - my DT40W's cost me $600 alone. Hence I am trying to go cheap on the red and do it with 2 x G71 diodes, a pair of correction optics, a wave plate and a PBS cube. This should get me close to a watt of red of which most will fit onto the 3mm apeture DT40W mirrors :P.

A 1W green will set you back around $500, and 1W blue can be had for under $200, but then you'll need correction optics for it as well (either prisms or cylinder lenses). A Dac will set you back anywhere from $100 to $5000 including software depending on what you go for. I'm going to try quick show and LSX.

Of course I am aiming high with a 3-3.5 watt target output power, for a living room thats stupidly high power, and will be dialed back (via control pots on the back) when I am just doing shows at home, but when I take it to say a venue, I can unleash the full power of the beast :)
3K sounds about right - my DT40W's cost me $600 alone. Hence I am trying to go cheap on the red and do it with 2 x G71 diodes, a pair of correction optics, a wave plate and a PBS cube. This should get me close to a watt of red of which most will fit onto the 3mm apeture DT40W mirrors :P.

A 1W green will set you back around $500, and 1W blue can be had for under $200, but then you'll need correction optics for it as well (either prisms or cylinder lenses). A Dac will set you back anywhere from $100 to $5000 including software depending on what you go for. I'm going to try quick show and LSX.

Of course I am aiming high with a 3-3.5 watt target output power, for a living room thats stupidly high power, and will be dialed back (via control pots on the back) when I am just doing shows at home, but when I take it to say a venue, I can unleash the full power of the beast :)

well I am gonna build myself a Projector by combining a 1W RGB with a TTL controller and perhaps a service card and the best of all!
I'm gonna make it portable and be able to run on battery power!
Laser shows on the go!
Kinda expensive tho.
So its gotta be split into stages lol
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