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you dont need extra lenses, you can just press that diode into a standard aixiz module with the standard acrylic lens for focusing.

stuart :)


am i the only one that a) cringes at the thought of 3.6W of IR?
b) cant stop loling?
I think you should seriously do some more reading on the forum before you even touch those IR diodes, you are asking to take your eyes out. Not only that most of your questions have been answered several hundred times.
Whoot one of my IR laser diodes arrived.............
sure is tiny in comparison to the pic like 1/8". :wtf: :thinking: :twak:
Whoot one of my IR laser diodes arrived.............
sure is tiny in comparison to the pic like 1/8". :wtf: :thinking: :twak:

well they are 5.6mm diodes, that just over half a centimeter... they're not going to be huge are they. :crackup:

stuart :)
7 more of them arrived.

I must be doing something wrong with them though because they turn on and the diode itself begins to heat up but the beam they emit isn't strong enough to heat or burn anything. Perhaps I need more power cause AA batteries just aren't doing the job.

Hey laserboystuart what kind of power source would you suggest?
Btw you get a rep point for being as helpful as you've been.
how many batteries are you using? most IR diodes have a Vf of around 2.2V so if you've used 2 or more, you've definitely blown that diode.

and i would suggest first getting a driver for that diode to regulate the current and set it to around 250 - 350mA, the diodes will die if you do not use drivers because batteries are voltage regulated... not current regulated and then use li-ion batteries if you can (like 18650's), they have a large capacity.

are they in aixiz modules? have you got a heatsink for them? they are essential.

thanks for the rep!

stuart :)
In case you haven't noticed I'm not adept when it comes to electronic devices.
(hence the reason I bought 12 diodes )
Could you post a wiring guide or a link to one ?

I used 2 AA batteries on it but the weird thing is the diode still emits red light (I assume it emits IR as well) so I know it's not completely broken, in spite of it being separated from it's can. And yes I do have heat sinks though I may need to upgrade from the one I was using.

meh I still got several more to experiment with.

Btw would a 5mw driver from a cheep laser pointer work or would the resistor be too high of a rating to burn things with?
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Before doing any more with these diodes you need to read for a least a week, probably more. Look up and research these words:

IR and Near IR radiation
Eye wear for 808nm
Viewing IR with a CCD camera
Laser diode packages
Aixiz, (or other), modules
Heat sinks
Driver (DDL, RCKSTR, FlexDrive, GrooveDrive, MicroBoost, etc)
Why not to just use AA batteries!

Not all these searches will give you the information you need by just typing them in. You may need to modify your search. Without this knowledge and understanding you are certainly going to be without any working diodes in a very short time; you may have already damaged your own eyesight, (if you have been seeing red light, that is NIR! 808nm appears as a dim, dark red dot. Try viewing it through your camera phone. You will see just how bright that light really is!); and risk damaging others eyesight if you continue.

This message may seem harsh and in a way, it's meant to. These are not toys and 300mW of IR is a really dumb idea for your first laser diode. Before purchasing you should have read first, but now you have them, listen to the wisdom of everyone here and leave them alone until you know, (much), more.

Strangely this sounds more helpful than harsh. This is EXACTLY the kind of help I've been looking for in fact (what I need to research in order to get this to work)

Btw viewing with a camera only is a good idea in my case.

In all actuality I have no choice but to wait to use these considering that these diodes
came with an unfocused beam thus rendering them useless for burning until I buy lenses for them.

On a side note I'm fed up with how fragile diodes are.

Oh how I wish the HeNe I ordered would arrive, at least it's straight forward about it's inner workings and power output.
