HIMNL9, could you give an example? I thought the strictest laser laws were in Australia, where it's illegal to import any completed laser pointer... An aixiz module is not a laser pointer, it's a loose electronic component. I'm not aware of a single country where's it's illegal to import aixiz modules, and if such a country did exist, you could still buy "blank" aixiz modules that have no laser inside, it's just a metal shell.. I'm pretty sure no country could possibly have laws against that.
Even if you were importing a completed laser, and even if it was really powerful, even if your country has laws against importing powerful lasers, you still wouldn't get in trouble for it, you'd just get a letter from customs saying your package has been destroyed. Since they can't prove you ordered it or wanted it sent to you, anyone could have shipped you that laser without your consent, so they can't hold you liable for it, they just destroy the laser.
Here (Italy) there's lots of usual mess about laws ..... til some years ago, no specific laws ..... then (1996) they classified lasers as dangerous, and started to think about laws ..... then (1998, yes, two years for decide a law, and for make it stupid as usual
), they prohibited any laser over 5mW, without distinction, but (hear this), the prohibition was about the buyer, not the seller (practically, if you buy it, they can confiscate it, but say nothing to the seller that sold it to you
..... and here,
is so right now also for some weapons *insert "istitutional idiocy" smile here*
) ..... then now, are few years that the law prohibite the selling of any pointer over 1 mW (class 2 max), and prohibite specific tools (like emitters included in thermometers or collimators, as example) over 5 mW, but left you buy OEM modules of high power, for industrial use (but also this, if they confiscate your package,
is left to the interpretation of the judge ..... that means, if 2 peoples buy 1 W green modules, and custom confiscate them, and the buyers ask them back in a court case, can freely happens that one judge say yes and one not, depending about how they woked up bad or good that morning
Welcome in the land of the(ir) laws and the(ir) freedom
..... and the more funny part is that also the workers in laws fields cannot be sure about nothing, with Italian laws style ..... the part about the discretion of judice of single judges, i got it from a friend that is a lawyer (advocate), and that confirmed me that there's no way to know what the judge can decide, regardless the evidences that you can carry with you ..... :wtf: