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Dumb friend shined a laser in my eye

5mW into the eye isn't going to do anything, you get waayy more than that even just looking at a 60W lightbulb. Once you start going over 10-20mW is when you should get worried.

I highly question that statement. Especially if both light sources
are coming from the same distance...:undecided::thinking:


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5mW into the eye isn't going to do anything, you get waayy more than that even just looking at a 60W lightbulb. Once you start going over 10-20mW is when you should get worried.

You can hardly compare lasers and light bulbs. A 60 watt bulb is relatively harmless, but a 60 watt laser is another story altogether. The difference, of course, is that the power from a light bulb is spread out while in a laser it's all consentrated into a thin beam. Therefore, if you look diectly at a 60W bulb the most you will get is an annoying after-image for a couple of minutes. Look directly into a 60W laser beam, and you can say buh-bye to your vision!
Kiz loves a good discussion about light... Say why does my 445 700mw laser burn my skin but my 1.2W mits500 638 doesnt even tickle the skin no burns nothing. I think that <5mw you should be fine but some lasers rated <5mw are actually 50mw I would go get yourself checked out anyway's time is the only thing that can save an eye... if you wait then that could have been the time they needed... I have started storing my lasers in lock boxes and only ever have 3 or 4 out at a time.. I would love to do a full out show of them but I am scared to do that with my goofy friends too... Be safe and if you get it in the eye goto the doc immediately because he can see immediately if there was any damage.. if not your on your way home if so they will probably throw you into a bed with lots of eye medication.. I got a chunk of glass in my eye when I was 5yrs ended up in the hospital for 5 day's..
I think that <5mw you should be fine but some lasers rated <5mw are actually 50mw I would go get yourself checked out anyway's time is the only thing that can save an eye... if you wait then that could have been the time they needed...
Be safe and if you get it in the eye goto the doc immediately because he can see immediately if there was any damage.

Yeah after reading some posts on this forum, that's what I'm mainly worried about now, that the <5mW was actually "over-spec."
I do kind of think I should go sooner, but the earliest I can go in to see my eye doctor is 20 Aug (he's not available until then).
You know I don't think anyone has asked, but where did your friend purchase the laser from? Local or the Internet? Is this the small keychain type of laser with the changeable caps that make patterns / cat toys, ect?

I have some of those that don't even make it to 5mW, but I've got a least one red laser that takes double A batteries that is marked as <5mW, but actually is over 100! (imported from China)
Just wondering you think you can post pics of the laser/laser shots?

If I see my friend again soon I can take pictures; will that help determine if it was "over-spec?"

As far as how the laser pointer looked, it looked just like a heavy duty pen, dark blue with a pen clip.
I love my spaceship happyface one..

put a 445 on that and lil spaceship would burn!! Babby Burn!... I think you are lucky it was a red more than anything.. But I am no doctor or saint.. Others would be alot more helpfull other than me saying stop talking shut up an go get your eye's checked out!!! ALLREADY!! Just go do it... time talking about it wont help..


and tell them what happened..

You Only Have TWO eye's and they cannot be replaced!
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I love my spaceship happyface one..

put a 445 on that and lil spaceship would burn!! Babby Burn!... I think you are lucky it was a red more than anything.. But I am no doctor or saint.. Others would be alot more helpfull other than me saying stop talking shut up an go get your eye's checked out!!! ALLREADY!! Just go do it... time talking about it wont help..

I'd go earlier (& now I'm really starting to wish I could go earlier), but 20 Aug. is the earliest my eye doctor can see me. Is that too late to treat any damage, if there was any?
No goto the emergency room!!! tell them what happened and it's an easy check for a doctor to look at what happened like 3-4 mins.. and he may say go home he may not.. but at leist you would be safe in saying someone looked at them and it is fine.. he may give you a prescription for dropps or something.. I was a doctor in anothe life.. Thinking of it a lawyer and acct too but who knows..

I dont know where you live but I could just walk up the street and get some care... get someone to look at your eye's!!! tell them you were hit 2 or three times with a laser can you please check me out? others should see irritation or burn marks.. you cant even in a mirror because your friggin blind!!!

if you like your friend then just say you were at some meet where someone somewhere did it.. and you dont know who or what he looks like.. and stick to that..

OK I did what I can.. Doctors wont fk arround with eye's and there alot easier to checkout than your temperature.. 8(
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No goto the emergency room!!! tell them what happened and it's an easy check for a doctor to look at what happened like 3-4 mins.. and he may say go home he may not.. but at leist you would be safe in saying someone looked at them and it is fine.. he may give you a prescription for dropps or something.. I was a doctor in anothe life.. Thinking of it a lawyer and acct too but who knows..

I dont know where you live but I could just walk up the street and get some care... get someone to look at your eye's!!! tell them you were hit 2 or three times with a laser can you please check me out? others should see irritation or burn marks.. you cant even in a mirror because your friggin blind!!!

if you like your friend then just say you were at some meet where someone somewhere did it.. and you dont know who or what he looks like.. and stick to that..

OK I did what I can.. Doctors wont fk arround with eye's and there alot easier to checkout than your temperature.. 8(

Wait, I should go to the emergency room???
Even without any symptoms?? (Like I said, I thought I felt eye strain last night, but I think that was in my mind or because I was on a computer all day.)
Now I'm really worried.
The issue wouldn't be the time of going to an ER, I don't mind spending time, but the problem would be the cost; I only have catastrophic health insurance, so the bill could easily be over $1000.
Now I'm worried enough so I'm going to find a doctor who can see me this week, but I don't know if I should go to an ER.
I asked a few people including my father since I saw your post, & they don't think I should go to an ER, but now I'm considering it.
You choose what you do.. If your trying to scare people you are.. If you just want to sit there and think about it you can.. these are just some of your choices... If you dont care dont worry.. Are there symptoms of laser eye? first I heard of that..

/me finds himself talking to a self admited hypocondriac..!! He whispers for help... helpppppp Next thinkg ya know I'll be growin organic.. LMFAOROTF
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If I see my friend again soon I can take pictures; will that help determine if it was "over-spec?"

As far as how the laser pointer looked, it looked just like a heavy duty pen, dark blue with a pen clip.

Well maybe, I mean if you can see the beam really well in the day time then it probably is >5mW.
I would say theres not much to worry about, I once got hit in the eye twice with a 100mw greenie, and to this day there is no visible damage (although i did find it harder to focus on things up close and also to look in the sky without my eyes going all watery), just wait for your appointment on the 20th, and until then, dont panic, it will only make things worse
