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FrozenGate by Avery

Driver for PLT5 510


Jul 31, 2011
Hello, I'm building my first laser. I need it to have an output of 510-518nm to work with my 520nm edge filter (for Raman spectrometer). The diode I'm using is Osram PLT5 510 B2.

It has 5.4 - 7.0v operating voltage and 60 - 100 mA (30 - 60 mA threshold) current. Power will come preferably from 5V DC. I read that diodes increase their output frequency at higher power, so I don't want to overdrive it.

What would be a good driver for this diode? I have one of these Chinese drivers (DC 3-5V 650nm 532nm 780nm 808nm 980nm Laser Diode LD Drive Driver Current Adjus | eBay ) but I'm not sure if it will work.

the driver that you got will not work because it is a buck driver,it takes 1 li-ion battery(4,2v) and converts it to 2-2,5v output to drive the red and ir diodes.

there are other chinese cheap drivers on ebay especially for the green diodes or you can buy an even better one from DTR that has better quality and trusted drivers.

stay safe if you are new to lasers and get safety glasses for your wavelengh :)
the driver that you got will not work because it is a buck driver,it takes 1 li-ion battery(4,2v) and converts it to 2-2,5v output to drive the red and ir diodes.

there are other chinese cheap drivers on ebay especially for the green diodes or you can buy an even better one from DTR that has better quality and trusted drivers.

stay safe if you are new to lasers and get safety glasses for your wavelengh :)


I've used the cheap Chinese boost drivers for green diodes, haven't had any issues myself. Driving a PL515 off of two AAA batteries (Li-FeS2 cells, not alkaline), works fine. Quality definitely isn't as good as a decent driver from DTR, but it does the job just fine.
That driver will not work for that diode as it is a linear driver which requires Vf+~1.2v input which would come out to 6.6-8.2vdc input to power that diode.
Consider https://innolasers.com/shop/index.php?id_product=8&controller=product Instead if you must use 5vdc input. Note however that you would have to keep the diode electrically insulated from the batteries or else you will short the battery out. Regardless of what route you choose, you will need to build a test load to set the current on the driver. This is as simple as 6 x 1n4xxx series diodes with a 1ohm resistor to simulate a laser diode to set the current. Current on the test load is read with a multimeter set to VOLTS across the resistor. With a 1 ohm resistor, 1mV=1mA.
Hopefully this is enough info to get you headed in the right direction.

Here is a link that Diachi posted on that other thread you are looking at http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Adjustable-5...389408?hash=item2a6a7fd6e0:g:WxsAAOSwMNxXZSdx It is a boost driver and with your given requirements, may work.
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Keep in mind the case positive nature of the diode in your build as well.:beer:
Hi Teal,
Save your self a headache and get one from DTR and he stands behind everything he sells, a stand up guy. Been dealing with him for a long time never felt me a bad card.
Press the easy button pal !!! Some Chinese seller not all will sell you the Brooklyn bridge and say its in new condition.

I got the yellow boost driver (the one you see a lot on ebay) rated for the 520nm diodes and unfortunately shorted it during testing. Touching the diode terminals together produced smoke and then strange readings. I don't want to wait 1 month for another driver, so I need an alternative.

Someone mentioned the flexdrive, but the datasheet says its output only goes to 5.5v and I think this diode needs up to 7V. Will this driver work? If not, what will?
A nano boost driver will, but they are $32.50 at DTR's website and it has three settings. 275 mA, 500 mA and 1.1 amps. I have one I am currently trying to change to get 350 mA out of, but won't have the results until tomorrow.
I know this is an old thread but I have the same question and I would like to get a definitive answer if possible.

What I would like is a driver for the PLT5 510 that:

1) is fixed or adjustable <100mA (required by this diode)
2) can source up to 6~7V (required by this diode)
3) supports PD sensing
4) runs off of a single lithium cell
5) is small

Only #1 and #2 are absolutely mandatory.

The PLT5 510 datasheet indicates an operational voltage of 5.4V to 7.0V which implies I need a "boost" driver, right?

Hey DTR, I bought a PLT5 510 from you (and hopefully many more). What do you suggest I drive it with?

Thanks guys, Rich
This should do the job and should come set to 50mA by default. With that diode, you are going to need to either isolate your batteries, or the diode from the case, otherwise there will be a short with a lot of drivers. I personally always preferred case neutral diodes for this reason. If the diode is in a module installed in a heatsink, clear nail lacquer can be used to get an insulating coating. Just make sure it is a good solid coating, and has no thin spots. I would install and remove it a few times just to be sure none gets scraped off. Some host kits also have an option of anodized aluminum heatsinks which are great for this as the anodized coating acts as an insulator.
Thanks CB. Hoping to find something with PD sensing but beggers can't be choosers. Just ordered from DTR.

Everything is isolated so no problem there. I usually use Kapon tape for insullating.

Still looking for one with PD sensing, anyone?

