Hi apex007,
Over the last two days I have been doing a lot of research into CR123 batteries. I have discovered there are alsorts of different types.
There are:
Primary Lithium Cells rated at 3.0V
Li-Ion Rechargeable cells rated at 3.7V
LiCo Rechargeable cells that are 3.7v volts but have a diode regulator to bring them down to 3.0V but can peak at 3.7v as it takes 12ms for regulation to kick in
LiFePo4 rechargeable cells that are 3.2Volts which is the same as a fully charged primary cell.
All the above have various capacities. The Li-Ions at 3.7 volts have the best capacity but since this laser takes 2 CR123 batteries you can risk over volting this laser to 7.4v and if these cells are fully charged at 4.2V you can over volt to 8.4V.
I spoke to Dragon Lasers who were unsure about the use of Li-Ion 3.7 cells and whether this Lasers driver would handle it, they advise NOT TO use them.
I also spoke to CNI directly who spoke to their engineers and they said NOT TO use 3.7v Li-ION cells in their 447nm diode lasers.
So I will say this again just to be sure DO NOT USE 3.7 LI-ION CR123 CELLS IN THIS LASER, YOU WILL DAMAGE IT. If in doubt stick to primary CR123 cells.
I have some LiFePo4 rechargeable CR123s that look safe voltage wise that I will be testing. I'll be sure to post the results here.
Hi LaserLight,
These are the batteries that I received:

They don't have any ma markings on the batteries, just that they're 3.0v. If and when my 400mw Spartan arrives, I'll try them first being cautious of overheating. I am thinking that the lower current draw of the 400mw Spartan vs. your 1watt may lead to less overheating issues. But, if it happens, I'll order the new version.
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