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FrozenGate by Avery

Double checking my safety goggle choice

Nov 20, 2019
So I'm thinking of getting a diode: the Osram PLPT5 450KA and then running it at 5mw, then stepping it up over time, I'm fairly certain that the Eagle Pair 190-540nm OD6 goggles should be fine, but I'd just like to double check given the nature of how important sight is to me...

yes they are good eye protection
not sure but-- that diode may not lase at just 5 mW (below threshold)
good luck-- just in case you do not know--static is a diode killer as is overheating. SO
short all caps.. don't touch with bare finger and never run any laser w/o SOME heat sinking.
After you have soldered your driver --static is not longer a issue. (afaik)

have a super 2021--len in texas--where are you BTW
The emission before threshold is negligible. Unless you have the diode touching the meter, it wont even register above the noise. However, the diode will be very unstable so close to threshold without optical feedback, but it wont matter since OP will step it up from there.
