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FrozenGate by Avery

Do people still want to buy an Arctic..? - To Ebay

Re: Do people still want to buy an Arctic..?

Well, I bought an arctic the first week of released and got the one without that stupid smartswitch thing. Well, it hasn't been touched at all this year. And I'm going into the CNC world as a career, figured I'll make my own laser host one day instead if I missed it for some reason.

Using this money to fund another project. I see the arctic sells for 300 dollars, which sucks, seeing I bought it for 400...

Which, makes me think there wouldn't be anyone wanting to pay anything near 400 for it. But, do people still want these things? Mint condition, doesn't flicker (switch is good unlike some I've heard)...still have the second sticker...and I'd offer the 400 price to include the arctic...case...2 glasses with case (to show off with a buddy)..

Ideas....? Not fully sure how much I'd drop price...thanks for your time :)

Well.. The price 400 was for a brand new one.. Now it's 300 for a brand new one.. And those who sell theirs goes for like $200 and below.
Re: Do people still want to buy an Arctic..?

Well, I bought an arctic the first week of released and got the one without that stupid smartswitch thing.

Have to curtail your expectations, you won´t get that much money here for the Arctic. There are many much cheaper, better quality DIY builts around here. Also some similar Arctic hosts from other companies.

If you bought it in the first week, you paid $200 for the Arctic (like me) and you have the very bad "safety" goggles included.

Anyway, you may contact Smeerworst, he is an Arctic collector IIRC :beer:
Re: Do people still want to buy an Arctic..?


well, always up for offers. the goggles are good enough to view the dot as a low power 5mw dot...if shined through the goggles it comes as about 10mw, rather dim. but to me i think you gotta be a retard to miss aim a laser and hit your eyes...been playing for years with these kinds of lasers and never had anything close :)
Re: Do people still want to buy an Arctic..?

I'm not really interested in an arctic, however that host is AWESOME. I'm personally looking for a krypton to tear apart, as I like the extra room to work with. (DIY projects)
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Re: Do people still want to buy an Arctic..?

Yeah, its a nice host but in the back of my mind I always think "Make it myself if i want one later" The place im going to be working at in a year has mostly 3-5 axis CNCs, but even an 11 axis CNC. Chances of getting an 'arctic host' made there for a decent cost, after some years of working there...shouldnt be too bad :)

Personally for selling this id still like to be in that 250-300 range for the fact of it being low used..which means no wear, and US to US is always nicer.
Re: Do people still want to buy an Arctic..?

Just posting an update that the laser is still open for grabs and I will prefer $210 so shipping is covered. Aka $210 total price free ship...

Thanks! :)
