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DIY Madden 94' Homemade spiro :D

Jul 20, 2011

Here's my first spiro in a madden case with a hobby motor (1.99) and a FS mirror from dtr's optics sled(which is one of the best deals on LPF imo). Glued it onto a vitamin water cap and into a Madden NFL case '94 for the sega genesis it goes and voila!


add a little smoke and...


i also added a 100 ohm rehostat so i can speed up and slow down the motor.
the switch i got off ebay 5 for 1.99

free flat top ring boxes or watch boxes are awesome for making spiro toys in. Bottle caps work well for the mirror base.

so it was like 15 bucks... if i count the mirror as $9 but that is 2 sleds that also include 3 more fs mirrors 4 dichros and a nice assortment of lenses

Parts List:

hobby motor, switch, 2xAA battery holder from fleebay
FS mirror from DTR
100 ohm rheostat from radioshaq

wired thusly:
battery+ > switch > Rheostat > motor"+" then just, motor"-" > battery"-"

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Re: DIY Homemade spiro :D

Looks neat, i really like how the second picture looks like the case is just exploding with light
Re: DIY Homemade spiro :D

That's pretty amazing! So you have pics of how the components went together or a diagram/shopping list? I really wanna build something like this :)
