O rly? I thought that elctrolic capacitors refused revers current... o wait that's the polarizised ones isnt it? BTW does it matter which direction the reistors go? (gold band to the right or left). Lastly do they really explode!?
Hmm i looked at the few i already made, the diode and capacitor are kinda together, cant tell which actually comes first. But they're allready glued and put together. I do have 100+ silicone diodes, would it be safe just to add another one before the capcitor and leave the other one where it is (so have two of them) or will effect the current even when the batteries are placed correctly?
Hmm i looked at the few i already made, the diode and capacitor are kinda together, cant tell which actually comes first. But they're allready glued and put together. I do have 100+ silicone diodes, would it be safe just to add another one before the capcitor and leave the other one where it is (so have two of them) or will effect the current even when the batteries are placed correctly?