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FrozenGate by Avery

DIY glow board?

Thanks for the rep Lumisketcher, but FYI, listing your own products in your signature is perfectly fine, so long as your making useful contributions to the forum and not just every post you make being for the sole purpose of 'selling your stuff'.. Go ahead. Go look at every post i've ever made here.. I'll challenge you to find any where i've blatantly made the post just to sell stuff.. outside of the threads in the B/S/T and pro shop sections anyway.. which is the point of those sections.. to sell stuff without spamming up the rest of the forum. If I, or anybody else started doing what you were doing.. you can damn well be sure I'd get called on it pretty quickly too.

And so he deletes all his posts and attempts to negative rep me, with a comment calling me a "L-O-S-E-R". Not sure if he expected "oohs" and "ahhhs" advertising his wares out of nowhere...

His post responding to qumefox, when he told him he was spamming his stuff (and he was) which told him not to get his "panties in a bunch" is also deleted by him. How convenient...
Oh and before i leave, i do want to sincerely apologize to everyone, I am new to this forum thing and honestly didn't know that posting a link to my page was spamming.. For this I am sorry, very sorry. This is also why I deleted some of my previous posts... I hope everyone has a good weekend:beer:

That is a great idea! I just have the baggies sitting around in a project box, but might as well hang them up on the walls too!

I too have done my keys several times. First time was with clear two-part epoxy. second time was with nail polish. IMO, the nail polish is the way to go, oddly enough! (Hard as Nails FTW!)

Your painting and application strategy sounds very good and allows for photons to hit every side of the glow particles. I did something similar when applying it to a few of my lights, starting with thin layer of just nail polish, then an almost paste of v10 and nail polish (this was hard to work with, for my keys I just layered a few layers of nail polish and dipped it in a pile of powder, repeated a few times). After that, a final coat or two to seal it all up.
Looks clean! Nice to see someone doing it right. It is loads of fun isn't it? Good work.

Well, here's mine finally. I have had it for a while, but this thread inspired me to post it. The material is the GITD sheet, 24x24 from Genesis Light Line. The frame was much more expensive than the material. It took me a bit to get the technique down, and I consulted a framing store. It's best to have two people to apply the sheet to the backing. You need to start at the edge (or the middle if it is big enough) and use a soft object (like a rubber wedge) or similar object to slowly press the material down in long straight sweeps, pushing all air out and making sure the material is flat before adhering the next swipe. The material can tear if you are too forceful.

FYI it looks like crap under light if you don't get all the air bubbles out.

And no, a red laser does not discharge the charge provided by 445, 405, or lower frequencies.

Of course, the best glow board is lit by a projector.

P.S. Yes, I know I take crap pics with my cellphone.
Oh and before i leave, i do want to sincerely apologize to everyone, I am new to this forum thing and honestly didn't know that posting a link to my page was spamming.. For this I am sorry, very sorry. This is also why I deleted some of my previous posts... I hope everyone has a good weekend:beer:

if your serious ok...

there is no problem with having a for sale thread and also contributing to the forum etc. what we don't like is people joining to try to spam there product around. obviously you have not been banned....i guess its a good thing im not a mod :eg:
Looks clean! Nice to see someone doing it right. It is loads of fun isn't it? Good work.

High praise, indeed. You probably don't know me, but many of your projects have made me notice you. You inspire some excellence, sir.

And yes, it is a lot of fun, and never ceases to amaze people who visit. I have had several nephews and nieces tell me I am their favorite uncle after I let them use the UV flashlight or 5mw pen to draw on it.
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That is a great idea! I just have the baggies sitting around in a project box, but might as well hang them up on the walls too!

I too have done my keys several times. First time was with clear two-part epoxy. second time was with nail polish. IMO, the nail polish is the way to go, oddly enough! (Hard as Nails FTW!)

Your painting and application strategy sounds very good and allows for photons to hit every side of the glow particles. I did something similar when applying it to a few of my lights, starting with thin layer of just nail polish, then an almost paste of v10 and nail polish (this was hard to work with, for my keys I just layered a few layers of nail polish and dipped it in a pile of powder, repeated a few times). After that, a final coat or two to seal it all up.

Haha, Hard As Nails is exactly what I use for a clear coat over glow paint. That stuff is amazingly resilient. My keys take a beating, and I hated having them clank on my key ring, which also holds a tritium modded glow fob, a swisstool, peanut lighter, and maratec AAA. With a nice thick layer of glow under the clear nail polish, which reduces the noise, and man, can they be seen when you walk out of daylight into a dark room.

Most of my light switches and lamp buttons around my living area have been glow modded. I have used the acrylic paints from Glowinc, followed up with clear coats of nail polish. I think most of that stuff will outlast the appliances and residence.
Wow on tv I actually saw a 1800 commercial for kids. they are advertising selling two most likely 405nm laser or as they call " drawing wonds" and give 3 green glow in the dark pads and like 4 other colors.. in the commercial they were saying how u can play "laser tag" and do other activities to shoot the laser at each other... wow thats horrible and this is for kids! its called "glow crazy " Im not gonna lie its great to let kids see a cool hobby with lasers and GITD but cmon.. yeah lets allow these kids to shine it at each other.. and not even give them safety glasses...what do you guys thinks

It depends on the power of the lasers.. if they are actually 5mW.. then they're 'ok'.. Even if they won't be impressive to look at dot wise, it still should be plenty to energize GITD materials. So really, it's a 'it depends on what exactly they're selling' deal.
The lasers in that advertisement are definitely not 5mw. Visible beams and the charging is way too fast for a 5mw.

That doesn't mean the ones they ship out to the kiddos are the same ones they used in the advertising.
You know, after viewing that I don't think it's much of a stretch: Use glow crazy wand to create extra spooky glow in the dark crazy eyes!
