Rotten luck SenKat! I feel your pain-- I had a Bushnell Elite 4200 riflescope shipped to my house, fine piece of work, retails about $700... Frankly, they were morons; They balanced it on top of my NEIGHBORS mailbox! (This also happened with a $40 eBay bargain scope too... even after we complained

Now, you must first know that my driveway is about 300 yards, well, when I saw them stop by the mailbox, I went out there to see the box fall on the ground before my eyes. It actually did break, but I only had problems a few days after mounting it: It screwed up the reticle so that any light movements let it freely swing inside the scope tube... Don't ask me what happened.

Nonetheless, they replaced it readily... But all my time, shipping costs, plus Bushnell's loss... its just so frustrating!

Not to mention all the prairie dogs and rock chucks that lived because of it! ;D ;D ;D
I also bought a G15 keyboard some time ago, only to have it delivered to the neighbors house and horrifically witness it being thrown repeatedly against a wall... 9 year old punks! :

That survived, however...
Sorry for the rant... meh >.>
PS: Quick question about this guys diodes:
Is that a 5 pack? He says TO-5 package... and shows 5 lasers... But still not 100% sure. Either way, looks to be a fairly good deal... If its 5 though... MUAHAHAHA!
Second... What kind of current does that thing pull? I assume it runs at 3v, but here are his specs:
Threshold current(mA):[ch8804]150
Operating current(mA):[ch8804]650
Operating voltage:[ch8804]2.2
Slope efficiency(W/A):[ch8805]0.9
I know most lasers CAN power up on ~2.4v, but are usually ran on 3v... Little confused there... If I wanted to get lab style and effiecient, I would need a transformer then? Or, I guess I could use like, 6 AA batteries and a good resistor?