No the problem is with cyparagon lol
I am curious however at why you brought up this old argument for. You could have just left the cyparagon bs out.
I was not aware that this was a heated aspect of this article. I agree that the article lacks the details that would allow an interested scientist to pursue it further. It is important to me because I have. I used a CVD diamond to Raman shift my lab built vanadate laser. I did not follow this with one of my videos because although it worked, the power output was disappointing. The reason is that you need to design the entire laser around this down shifted wavelength and you need to add a third wavelength specification for the vanadate. In addition to AR for 808nm, 1187nm and 1064nm you have to add 1187nm to 1064nm to all the cavity optics as well. This would have been expensive and I decided to work with dyes instead because of the greater wavelength flexibility.