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Cree attack head flashlight mod

Mar 21, 2016
Hi everyone,
I have a friend who had no intrest in lasers untill I modified one of these cree attack head flashlights. Needless to say, this ones gonna be his...lol. just had to have one. I figured I'd post how I mod them for anyone who's interested in building one of these. This is the easiest flashlight host mod I've done, a good first time mod.
35mm copper module from DTR with your choice of 9mm diode, lens and apropriate driver

Cree attack head flashlight

Here we go,
Disassemble host by removing pointed hex screws on bezel. Remove lens, gasket and reflector.
Next unscrew battery tube, you can then unscrew pill from host head. (First pic)
Once you have the pill removed (the pill in battery tube does not have to be removed) unsolder led wires from led driver. (Pic 2)
Now you can go ahead and drill an 1/8" hole between the + and - side of the led driver board. (Pic 3)
Solder 3" of silicone wire to each + and - then pass wires through hole (Pic 4 and 5)
Mix small amount of thermal adhesive and glue driver to back of 35mm cu module as close to center as possible.(pic 6)
Cut a 3/16" ring off of decretive insert. Pass pill wires through ring and solder/heat shrink them to driver power input wires.
Solder diode wires to ld + - wires on driver. (Pic 7)
Place pill in head and screw in by holding pill and turning head.
Slide 3/16" ring and 35mm cu module into head.
Slide bezel onto head making sure it seats in fully and replace pointed screws making sure wires aren't being pinched between ring and module.
Screw in battery tube and install battery (ies)
You now have a laser that will headstand, tailstand, will not roll when places on its side and protects the lens from falls.
Thanks for looking and enjoy!

Feel free to pm me with questions

I also check for continuity between steps, between + and - and test driver on test load before discharging and connecting.

Edit 2:
These flashlights come with an a/c and d/c charger so if you use a boost driver (good luck finding one) you can charge this way (Forgot to mention it has a Jack build in)


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These are definitely a cool looking host! May have to do a build with one in the future. Do you have any reliable sources for these?
Hi CB,
Type this # into an eBay search engine 371472876745.
This is a US seller and they are $16 shipped. I recieved my last order in 4 days. If I can help in any way just hmu,

Was just thinking, got a ndb7875 diode on ebay auction for $23, so I have about $100 in this one, not bad for a 3w laser
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I just searched cree tactical flashlight and found one bidding for 8.99$ with 8 mins to go so I bid... with shipping it was 15$ yay.
cool find
I think I'm addicted to ebay auctions, haven't won many, I make a limit and don't cross it. Got a few great deals that way
I actually had one of those lights from a ways back but never did anything with it until I saw what he was doing and now I have one ready to build too.
+REP when I can
Just want to add that I've been using these hosts for nubm44 builds in combination with efest 18350 batteries. Works great, still my favorite flashlight host by far
