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FrozenGate by Avery

Continuous duty, reliable 2000 mW

Nov 27, 2015
Hi all,

I am on the market for a reliable (~5,000 hrs+), continuous duty 1000+ mW 532 nm module, beam quality/stability does not matter as long as it is stable to within ~ 1 mm at a distance of ~1 m. This is for "bleaching" glass substrates for ~12 hours at a time. I can run water cooling, if necessary. This is for lab work.

I used to have a Chinese module that I paid $2,000 for, but this was 5+ years ago, so I was hoping they got much cheaper by now. May I ask for a recommendation of a supplier? I have read good things about laserbtb on this forum, but $1,000+ is more than I am willing to pay. I have $30,000 lasers at the lab, but they are too fancy for bleaching glass...

Thank you in advance!
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DTR has 2- different 1W+ diodes for sale if thats what your looking for. My NDG 700mW diode is doing 1100MW'a and my NDG7475 is doing 1580+But they are 520nm. NUBMO7E is the other 1W diode and gets 1300mW's and is cheaper. he can take the ball lens out but it will be an open can from there on . And you have to be careful about dirt and dust ..

DTR has 2- different 1W+ diodes for sale if thats what your looking for. My NDG 700mW diode is doing 1100MW'a and my NDG7475 is doing 1580+But they are 520nm. NUBMO7E is the other 1W diode and gets 1300mW's and is cheaper. he can take the ball lens out but it will be an open can from there on . And you have to be careful about dirt and dust ..


You meant NUGM01T, that's the G-ball lensed diode that's a 520nm doing 1000-1400mw, the NUBM07E is that beautiful 4000-5000mw 465mn bright blue.

These direct diodes with driver and lens are in the 200+ dollar range but you will want a good heat sink, DTR has a nice heat sink for continuous duty and CNC also, staying at 1000mw with the 7475 would probably be near spec, we overdrive around here.

If you choose dpss the 1w Chinese have come down, but still cost 500 dollars for a continuous duty, however I'm not sure about your stability requirement, typically stability cost more and I am not up to spec on that, however everything that was available still is and has come down in price from what I have seen, I like laserlands and CNI but laserbtb can probably get you what you need.

Laserlands: A Laser Producer and Seller

*Here is one of their ebay listings*


If stability is more important than cost you can always buy from laserglow.

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Many thanks! The suggestion on laserlands sounds great -- and they have both DPSS and diodes.

I would not have the time to invest to put a diode together (i did check DTR): this laser is on a long list of things that need to happen at the lab, and I would rather spend an additional $200 on a working system than spend 2 weekends fiddling (and then it stops working b.c. I messed smth up)

BTW -- CNI is what I had 5 years ago... the beam quality of their 2W 532 nm degraded to being useless in a year or so. I hope these got more reliable.
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