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FrozenGate by Avery

Concerns about recently purchased Scientech 365 + Calorimeter

Got it... Thanks Dave...
Isn't the interntz peachy....:wave:


It keeps me from killin' people (who really need killin') :eg:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = The classic Texan's murder defense


I didn't realize you had contacted them. They have moved on from these series of meters. You cannot even get parts from them anymore. I'm sure that my Vector S-310 will be out of support soon as well :( (if it isn't already)


Attachments away! They are just under 5Meg. If you need them broken up, let me know
Yeah, I figured that being so old they would almost certainly be beyond professional calibration, but I thought I'd just confirm to be sure.
Got the attachments btw, thanks!

It keeps me from killin' people (who really need killin') :eg:
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ = The classic Texan's murder defense
hahaha I know that the vast amount of information on LPF keeps me from "going postal"...I consider being a laser enthusiast slightly more healthy than the murderous rampage I would assuredly go on otherwise :D
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For anyone wondering, when talking about my new toy with a friend, he mentioned that he has (what he thought) was an LPM that his dad gave him since he didn't need it anymore (his dad works with general computer hardware, so I guess he uses it with CD/DVD players?). He showed it to me and it turns out it's a Sper 840011 LPM haha. My friend only owns one moderately-high powered laser, a 30mW-rated red pointer, so I figured we'd compare the two meters using that (Since greens have a nasty habit leaking IR on optical meters and screwing everything up). The measurements between the two meters are 1-3mW from each other. I realize this isn't the best comparison, but I figured it's good enough for now until I can have someone compare it with a calibrated meter they have.
^ Yeah you make a good point, it seems unnecessary to take too much effort for accuracy considering this is just a hobby haha. A calibration party sounds like a barrel of laughs to me too ;) Too bad a lot of us are scattered throughout this planet; someone develop teleportation NOW! hehe
