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Colour correction in BEYOND!


May 1, 2007
Hey guys, just thought I'd share this for anyone that happens to be using BEYOND. In some of the more recent builds, a feature was added to the Colour Settings tab in Projector Settings, and now includes an advanced colour mode:


Using this, you can actually "tune" the linearity of your lasers, so that you get a perfect colour representation on all the cues, no matter the power differences in your projector. For example, my green laser had a habit of turning on well before the other lasers, so I could set the "minimum" of the blue & red higher so they came on with the green.




I used the blanking/linearity test pattern to roughly tune it first, going for a decent white balance and then adjusted the linearity of the laser so there weren't any single coloured tails. I'm still working on it, but here's where I'm at so far:


And before:


You can also have different palettes for high power and high saturation. Great fun, but takes a lot of time and patience to get right - but it's worth it in the end. The feature was actually designed to make use of the 6 colour outputs on the FB3-QS board, however it was recently changed so it would work with the older FB3's like the SE and XE.

Thought I'd share :D
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If only I had the money for beyond :p
I would really like to have this in Quickshow, my projectors white is a light pink, but after a while the eyes do their auto colour correct and I don't notice.

Does this system allow it so that while showing a white line it will be at the maximum balanced power (80% red, 100% blue, 100% green), but when showing red it will go to the full 5V modulation?

Very cool feature, I've always wondered why programs didn't have it in there.
