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FrozenGate by Avery

CNI GLP 100mW, Pocket Pen 75mW, Newwish Red 100mW


Is the mini still available?

If it is, how divergent is it? I mean is it ok for use as a pointer outdoors, or does it spread out too much?

Can you include the recheargeable battery?

Tell me about it. Crazy women with their boobs and perfume and soft skin and lovely legs and MmmMMmMM...... time to go to another website.
Crazy ones are the most fun for the night;)

When I started reading your reply i filled in "time to go to another strip club:shhh:"
Tell me about it. Crazy women with their boobs and perfume and soft skin and lovely legs and MmmMMmMM...... time to go to another website.

Do I need to post more pics In the vets section for u Luke?
LOL, you're the man Jake. I love that thread. One of the best. I am talking to mine about contributing to that thread.
You definitely should!
We need more pics I'n that thread, I don't want my gf's ass to feel lonely!
