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[CLOSED] Starting gas for a pretty good price

Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [testing and shipping]

It's complex, and the benefits vary depending on the application. But that aside, I've now tested and cleaned all the tubes, and I'll begin packing them later today. I'm going to try to get some out today, but it may wait till tomorrow depending on how things go. Some of them are pretty lively! But I'll leave you all to see for yourselves what you get! ;) even the one with the chipped mirror is singing happily, and ironically it's one of the better ones :)

Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

All lasers are now packed and the paid ones are ready to be shipped out tomorrow :) err well today :p
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Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

Ok. hit the PO today, and PM'd everyone their tracking #s. Most all the boxes are out, except Jstrawn's and RayJay's.

@ Atomic and Blarg - The PO for some reason didn't print a tracking # on the reciept they gave me though it should come with one. probably because the tracking for me ends at the border, Despite being easily trackable for yourselves using the same number whenever the box switches hands to canada/brazil post (so they really should give me the number anyway). so I'm sorry, but I don't have tracking #s for you both due to USPS flop so keep an eye out for the box. probably in a week or so. if it doesn't arrive let me know and I'll get with the PO about it.

@jstrawn I'll have yours out ASAP as soon as I finish up getting your 'system' all together. Probably tomorrow, but I have long hours rest of the week so I'll hurry it as best as I can.

Thanks for the smooth GB guys! I think this went really well. keep in touch and let me know when your boxes arrive, and if anything is damaged (not too likely) ASAP so that I can take appropriate actions.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

UK, they didn't give you a tracking number for the international ones because the number on the top of the customs form is the tracking number. So, check your customs receipt.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

Thanks for the tube and the session on PSU installation. Made everything crystal clear.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

No problem about the tracking number.

Quick question, just out of curiosity, do you know how many watts these consume?
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

kinda regretting not getting in on this. especially since i just lost an ebay auction for 5 henes+PSU's :(
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

I think they consume about 5 watts. Maybe less.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

kinda regretting not getting in on this. especially since i just lost an ebay auction for 5 henes+PSU's :(

Yeah I saw those. Awesome deal. These are nicer tubes by far though. I have some extras if you want one, but I may charge more to be fair to the ones who participated.

I think they consume about 5 watts. Maybe less.

This is about right. 1500V x .0037A is about 5.5 Watts. So definitely not more than that. As that'd be max on the PSU. I'd wager at 4.8 watts (1300V). No two tubes will be identical on their operating voltage though, so it'll vary a bit person to person.
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Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

Ok. hit the PO today, and PM'd everyone their tracking #s. Most all the boxes are out, except Jstrawn's and RayJay's.

@ Atomic and Blarg - The PO for some reason didn't print a tracking # on the reciept they gave me though it should come with one. probably because the tracking for me ends at the border, Despite being easily trackable for yourselves using the same number whenever the box switches hands to canada/brazil post (so they really should give me the number anyway). so I'm sorry, but I don't have tracking #s for you both due to USPS flop so keep an eye out for the box. probably in a week or so. if it doesn't arrive let me know and I'll get with the PO about it.

@jstrawn I'll have yours out ASAP as soon as I finish up getting your 'system' all together. Probably tomorrow, but I have long hours rest of the week so I'll hurry it as best as I can.

Thanks for the smooth GB guys! I think this went really well. keep in touch and let me know when your boxes arrive, and if anything is damaged (not too likely) ASAP so that I can take appropriate actions.

No problem. It'll probably take a few months to get here anyways, we shouldn't have to worry unless it starts to take really long.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

I just got my Melles Griot PSU from Meredith Instruments today, along with my 9 VDC Power supply, and my 750mA fast blow fuses. All I need now is the tube and the fuse holder and I can put this thing together. I already got the electronics enclosure from Houston, TX yesterday, so it may be tomorrow when this will all come together.
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Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

Tube arrived a little bit ago. Tube looks flawless and reminds me of a miniature version of my bare 453.5 tube. Looks like I'll be firing up a few gas tubes tonight.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

Mine arrived about an hour and a half ago too. It looks pristine and I also got the fuse holder I was waiting for, so I will be setting this laser up today. I got everything I need to make it work.
Re: Starting gas for a pretty good price [Now shipping]

Since I bought the tube only from the group buy, it took me a bit longer to get it up and running. It is AWESOME! I had to drill some holes in my project box and am waiting for the two part epoxy to set up. But, I got the laser working and for a small tube it has a nice bright beam. I couldn't be happier. After 20 minutes of running it, the tube was barely warm and the PSU was still cool to the touch.
