Well the qouted post sums it all up ,it has been a long thread that has been talked about more than a few times ...and a few tempers or the lack of a sense of humour really isn't what the forum needs . We are all passionate about our hobby so lets not get bogged down in details, its a forum not an inquest into who got the information and where but that the information is correct and put across in a friendly way. +1
QUOTE=ultimatekaiser;1245815]Class 1
Class 1: "A class 1 laser is safe under all conditions of normal use".
Skin Damage: None
Eye Damage: None
Blink Reflex: N/A
Outputs: not specified
These lasers are the safest out of the multiple classes, what makes these the safest is the fact that these lasers are in an enclosed area with no possible way to view the laser under normal operation, such as a DVD drive.
Class 1M
Class 1M: "A Class 1M laser is safe for all conditions of use except when passed through magnifying optics such as microscopes and telescopes"
Skin Damage: None
Eye Damage: none unless viewed for 1000 seconds or more
Blink Reflex: Safe
Outputs: <1mW
These lasers pose little/no risk to either the skin/eye, the only know hazard to the eye is caused if stared at deliberately for a period of time(A couple minutes). basically a "class 2" version of a class 1.
Class 2
Class 2: "A Class 2 laser is safe because the blink reflex will limit the exposure to no more than 0.25 seconds"
Skin Damage: None
Eye Damage: Low (1000 seconds or more direct viewing)
Blink Reflex: Safe
Outputs: <1mW by emission
This class of lasers is basically the same as 1M but exposed. This class limits the maximum output to under 1mW of continuous wave, which again will only cause eye damage if stared at for a continuous period of time. Some presentation Pointers/School slideshow viewers are in this class, as well as most workplace lasers, such as bar-code scanners.
Class 2M
Class 2M: "A Class 2M laser is safe because of the blink reflex if not viewed through optical instruments"
Skin Damage: None
Eye Damage: Low
Blink Reflex: Safe (If not viewed with optical instruments)
Outputs <5mW by emission
These lasers(even though still at low power outputs <5mW) must be handled with care if viewed with optical instruments, if hit directly in the eye the blink reflex will not save you, and although minimal and unnoticible damage is seen, damage will have occured.
Class 3R/3a
Class 3R: "A Class 3R laser is considered safe if handled carefully, with restricted beam viewing:
Skin Damage: None
Eye Damage: Medium
Blink Reflex: Safe
Outputs: 1mW-4.9mW by emission
Class 3R lasers are lasers with output of no more then 5mW, these lasers are most commonly seen as Laser Pointers (Not the Ebay ones since those are often over-spec). These lasers if taken a direct hit the blink reflex will still likely protect you, so these will not usually cause any permanent damage. But if stared at for longer then 0.25 seconds damage (Even though not noticeable) damage can have occurred, even if it is not permanent. Starting from this class, lasers should be treated with care and maturity, please use safety glasses and do not point these into anyone's eyes!
Class 3B
Class 3B: " A Class 3B laser is hazardous if the eye is exposed directly, but diffuse reflections such as from paper or other matte surfaces are not harmful"
Skin Damage: Low-Medium if prolonged exposure
Eye Damage: High
Blink Reflex: Nope, not likely going to help here
Outputs: 5mW-499mW by emission
These Class 3B lasers are DANGEROUS, these are medium powered lasers that will instantly cause eye damage from direct viewing and will cause stinging on the skin if left on for a few seconds. These Lasers are generally considered SLA lasers (surveying/leveling/alignment). These lasers must be treated with care and never pointed at a person or occupied vehicle. they come in a variety of formats, from handheld to lab lasers and generally should be used by professionals only. Safety glasses are a must.
Class 4
Class 4: "Class 4 lasers include all lasers with beam power greater than class 3B. In addition to posing significant eye hazards, potentially devastating and permanent eye damage as a result of direct beam viewing will occur"
Skin Damage: High
Eye Damage: Extreme/Instant
Blink Reflex: Nope, forget about that
Outputs: >500mW by emission
Class 4 lasers are the most dangerous type of lasers, these will instantly cause permanent eye damage and will cause skin burns on contact. These lasers are available in generally in lab format only, though some are still handheld and are used usually in Military, Medical, and astronomical/scientific uses. Safety glasses are a must when using these and must only be used in enclosed areas where accidental beam viewing will not occur.
These would be my few minor revisions based on actual FDA grading policy. Nothing major, but arguably a a better way of stating a few things.[/QUOTE]