Re: Cheapest RBV laser?
About the powers: the apparent difference in luminosity of your 5mW lasers is due to eye srnsitivity curve ..... the green is in the region of the maximum sensitivity, so it appear much more bright of all the others, the red is on one end of the "bell curve", and you may need 2 or 3 times the green in power (depending from the mixing type you want to obtain), for have an apparent luminosity like the green one, and for the BR (violet, that is near UV range), it's on the other side of the curve, and in a region where the eye is also less sensitive than red, so for the same mixing type you can need from 4 to 5 times the power of the green (indicative values, cause the exact amount of powers depend from the color temperature that you want to obtain as "white point"
About the alignment: if you need so much units with the same characteristics, the only way i can imagine is to get parts worked from a CNC center or some factory that have a CNC machine available ..... but, usually, those works are all except cheap ..... they probably need to convert your draws in CNC program, or project something specific for you, if you still don't have draws, then set up the machine and produce the parts ...... this can end in hundreds of $$$ just for the production of the bodies, not speaking about the assembly and alignments .....
About the analog driver: it's simply a current regulated driver that you can drive with an analogic signal (a variable voltage from a potentiometer or a PC interface or similar), and can give you a proportional current, so you can change the output power of your laser from a wide range of values, instead just on and off ..... need to note that also for them are needed some more works than bare assembly ..... you need to balance all he drivers for minimum and maximum currents (based on your driving voltage), and ofcourse each laser need to be balanced, if you want that all them appears identicals (or the more similar possible), and all this add time, work and money .....
It look as an interesting project, but, for sure, not cheap .....