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FrozenGate by Avery

Cheap goggle solution perhaps?

I haven't found the PLC or a relaible supplier for the brown lens versions (class 4) but I DID notice how many knockoff versions are floating around. Just a word of warning: if the glasses come with the cheap pleather looking vinyl cases, they are most likely NOT the real deal. The real ones will have a desert tan or olive drab color hard case. You will see what I am talking about right away if you follow the links.

The green lens (class 3) versions seem to be perfect for use with red lasers. I will confirm this the best I can when they arrive.

Also, make sure the set you buy does not have the laser lenses as a frontsert to the clear or sunglasses frames. At best, these are the old issue SPECS system (circa 1991). At worst, they are cheap Chinese knockoffs that will offer ZERO protection. Just know what you are buying before you click that purchase button.

Old issue SPECS system or possible knockoffs:

Current Issue:

Well. I got these today and can indeed verify that they help tremendously with my red 20x burner. I am able to see the dot very well and focusing the dot is very easy. Without the glasses, I was hesitant to even look at the dot because it is so bright. I do not have a meter to register the change, but when I shined the laser through the lens the intensity of the dot was reduced very noticeably. I was still able to get a dot through the glasses and onto the wall. Is this a bad thing or is it normal?

Like I said; the dot on the wall is much dimmer when shot through the glasses. I know that means they at the very least are somewhat effective.
Some light should go through so thats normal, but can we get pics of how much light is going through please ?

they looks pretty good, but you might want a member with a power meter to test the max laser light that would be passing through.
Apologies for bringing up this thread again, but I've just received some of these and thought I'd add to it.

I bought them from eBay seller 'gruntgear' for £16 ($27) delivered to the UK. The set came with clear goggles, 'bronze' goggles, and a green frontsert.

Using the green frontsert on the clear goggles, a 650nm beam is drastically reduced. At 200mW it's now very easy to look at on a white surface right in front of you, similar in brightness to a 5mW of the same wavelength. Focusing is also much easier as a result.
HACKALASERS, I would say they'd offer fairly good protection against a 300mW dvd laser. Obviously not if you stared into the beam, but a brief reflected glance would be alright.

The bronze set is also useful for lower powered 532nm lasers. A 50mW dot is too bright to look at reflected off a nearby white surface, but the goggles bring that to just about a level of comfortability, visually it appears to be about half the brightness. It also only allows ease of focusing when used on black objects. Another thing I noticed is that the green frontsert also blocks IR light from the green laser (neither of the goggles on their own do), so whilst it may seem silly to use the green frontsert with a green laser, if you don't have an IR filter on it then it's a good idea. They may also be useful with some IR lasers, but can't test this at the moment.

They'll also handy if your laser explodes in your face :)
cool i just orderd 2 pairs realy cheep only usd9.99 each here is link

nice i just baught 2 pairs these look to be ok and not fake by the pics u posted and there realy cheep
$9.99 just put http infront first

I also have the set from Gruntgear. The green lenses do a great job on the red 650nm wavelength, the bronze are used for the blu-ray 405nm. The protection factor is not huge but certainly enough to prevent permanent eye damage from a stray beam. Plus they are nicely constructed, come with a neck strap, and inexpensive. I do not believe they are useful in the 532nm range so I have a separate pair for the greens.
Jayz, just make sure you test out those goggles before using them. The ones in the link you gave aren't the same colour lens as the bronze ones and it doesn't show the green laser frontsert :(

I was also going to say the bronze ones would be good for 405nm lasers. I don't have one myself yet, but they really dim down things at that end of the spectrum, blue/purple leds, UV cathode tubes...etc
