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FrozenGate by Avery

Changing anodized Aluminum to different color...

A few weeks ago i was bored and had a broken focalprice 2xAA laser. For $15 it wasn't worth tracking down the problem, i had another, and focalprice was nice enough to give me a free one thats currently on its way ^.^ anyway, it was aluminum and had a black coating. i decided to fill it with some *ahem* homemade exothermic fuel-oxidizer mixtures *ahem* and give it a spark. after the flames died down, i went to go check it out- it looked like it was made of copper! The whole host was a nice warm color. not flat, not glossy, just like copper. i switched some parts with my other one, so now it looks awesome. i'd post pics but i dont have a pic sharing account or whatever. anyone seen this before?

That is really interesting what you did to your focalprice laser...with "homemade exothermic fuel-oxidizer mixtures"...he he he :D

Also you being a member of the LPF gives you access to a pic sharing account:

If you click your User CP at the top right corner, once the page loads there is a set of links on the left side, and under the second main topin of Networking, the fourth subtopic link down is Pictures & Albums. Once you click that, you can the "Add An Album" on the next page, and it it pretty self explainatory from there on how to upload pictures to your account. Once upoaded, then you can just copy and paste the BB code when you are looking at your individual picture (the code is listed underneath the picture, the picture url is also listed there).

And Viola!!! you can upload pictures to any post or thread by just having an account with LPF.

Also, in reguards to coloring a host, ATM, I am thinking I would like to go the cheap way (heatsinking isn't as important to me with only 30mW 532nm modules), and it looks like maybe the walmart automotive paint that Mohrenberg suggested fits that description.

If anyone else has any other suggestions that might be a cheap fix that will last, please let me know.

And in the future I definately think I will invest either in powder coating or anodizing...maybe both!!! They are definately the superior ways or coloring hosts (or anytype of metal) though more costly.
here we go: original parts next to hybrid next to heated parts

stupid flash... trust me, the copper-color looks damn cool with the green beam coming out

thanks viper!
I did a fair amount of research about painting anodized aluminum because I wanted to change the color of a host. The experts say you need to use an etching primer before you can paint the anodized aluminum. The etching primer will create millions of microscopic holes for the primer to adhere to. Same principal in dying/sealing concrete.
thanks viper!

No Problem at all horhay, thanks for showing us the pics!!! :D

And Tech_Junkie, Thanks for the info about using etching primer before painting anodized aluminum. I am sure it will create a much better bond for the paint to the host than without.

...now I just need to get to walmart or some other store and buy the paint and primer (any ideas on where to purchase etching primer, or is it in most hardware stores that also have paint available?)

Then hopefully I will be able to smile at my new green hosts!!! :yh:
viper, if you would like, I can strip and anodize that host and dye it the color you would like (or close to it) for a pretty reasonable price. Heck, I gotta do all those barrels anyway, whats one more part?
You know what kenom...that sounds like a pretty good idea to me...

Do you think you could anodized them around this color:


And about how much for two hosts to be stripped and anodized the same color?

We could bring this to PMs if that would be better?
