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FrozenGate by Avery

Can someone with an amazon account help me...

May 31, 2009
Hey guys....

I'm trying to buy the kindle touch online for my mother for christmas. It is only available in USA at this time and I need a valid US address to buy it.

I was wondering if anyone can reship it over to me. It would be easier if you already had an amazon account... But if you are feeling extra nice, an amazon account is free to make.

Thanks in advance guys!


Some of us I'm sure would be willing, but shipping from the US to AUS is *atrocious*. I mean, REALLY bad. A Kindle would probably be $80-$100 in shipping from what I recall.
Awesome.... Since you are shipping my laser stuff to me anyway... may as well put it all together!

Sending PM
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That's mighty nice of you, Pontiac.

That's a +1 for you. :)

I was going to offer as well, in case you need a backup... ;)
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Thanks for the offer rocket689. I have already paid pontiac... hes a great guy! +1 when I can!
No prob, bud. :)

Yea, Pontiac is an awesome guy.
We got to talk in person at SELEM this past August.
He's pretty cool. :cool:

Hope your mom enjoys her present! :san:
Yea, Pontiac is an awesome guy.

I do my best :D

It's on it's way, supposed to be delivered on the 1st. That's pretty amazing considering I just paid for it this morning. I have no idea how Amazon does it but it's sweet! I ordered a graphics card a week or so ago and started an amazon prime trial, I picked one day shipping after ordering the card at 8PM and it still showed up the next day. For $2.99. Like I said I have no idea how they physically do it but I like it :wave:
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