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FrozenGate by Avery

can anyone help me to fix my laser?

May 2, 2017
i have disassemble my laser pointer, can anyone please help me to fix it or teach me how?


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Reassemble it ---the same way you disassembled it, but in reverse.

Other than being apart, what is wrong with it?
i assemble back but it is red color, original is green, maybe the KTP crsytal broke, n the red color light is not intense
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Wouldn't be worth your time IMO, best to just buy a new one for like 7$. Unless you're up for the challenge :eg:
Wouldn't be worth your time IMO, best to just buy a new one for like 7$. Unless you're up for the challenge :eg:

Agree. Best choice if low cost laser. Buy new one.

i assemble back but it is red color, original is green, maybe the KTP crsytal broke, n the red color light is not intense

The red color is 808nm IR and very dangerous for eyes.
Crystal not functioning . Nobody can tell anything from picture
If low cost buy new laser.
If you want to fix you can try new crystal or buy a complete module if you want to try to remove and relplace complete module
Look on ebay for part or new module
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i assemble back but it is red color, original is green, maybe the KTP crsytal broke, n the red color light is not intense

STOP. That red light is 808nm laser radiation, it is potentially miles above safe power levels and potentially very dangerous. Your eyes can't see it, but just because it doesn't look bright doesn't mean it isn't dangerous.

You'll want laser safety glasses for 808nm and 532nm before you attempt to repair this.

You removed the crystal set by the look of things, you may be able to realign and reattach it but it may not perform as well before.

This looks like a cheap 301 laser, I'd suggest buying a new one. They are like $7.

Why'd you disassemble it...?
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Hi, hope Urall are enjoying a great spring on the top half. Mid USA is under new record deluge and it's literally dam stressfull. 2 major Highways are like sluce-gates and DOT road-blocked until crest Tues. maybe.

Laser are assembled by skilled craftspeople with special tools.
If the antireflective coating(s) is just lacquer etc. and damaged, it could render the crystal near invisible. Might some lasers use such inferior AR BBR shortcuts?
{AR anti-ref.,BBR, broad-band ref., DCX,double convex}

I may help one with this.:I dis-assembled a chrome penlight-like gn 50-100mw laser. Avery recommended, just 17$ so I had a 1watt 808 to over pump it.
Was a tough project, and I found 2, 2mm dia. cheap plastic DCX optics back to back, glued inside a brass sleeve between diode-facet and crystal to pinpoint 808 @absolute highest intensity just behind ARBBR mirror surface of the vandalate.
Really difficult to re-aline.

As to not be a total loss of beam shine; Can you shoot & post nice sharp HI-res macro(close-up) .JPGs??
Use Digital/sipcard/usb and tape a #short focal lens onto cam-lens, square, optic centers not touching. small Hot glue dabs removes easy. I worked a thick lens into a rubber eye-relief, fit over a C50 Oly. cam telephoto tube for like 20X close-up shots.
Shoot many of Each aspect, use many f-stops and exposures, better odds of perfection and hold cam or mount ROCK steady and send us your best shots.

#Lenses:I took apart a cheap golf scope for the nice objective eye lens, image rev. prism and large coated objective and adjustable focus tube. One could replace w/ dbl -FL and try beam expanding too. I just EBed monocular for 9$, two nice R/A prisms to make a spectrometer, resonator mode lock. Cheap plastic but rasor sharp. optics.

You'll get some great advise if we can see what you have done to it.!

Could be, the diode is not focused and rotated off polarization; if all you did was pull the diode and brass capture screwout.
Is the diode running too hot, you ruined it, no sharp emission now?

Be eye safe & hospital clean, operate with syran wrap underneath, clings to pesky particles. Finger cotts are usefull. Dremel round notches on needle nose, optics lock-in and do not fly. Round parts slip away.

FOLKS, Please, don't leave optics in a HOT STEAMY GLOVEBOX,etc.. Have U let you laser to one to enjoy it? My 1st jewel, a .044W gn Nova pen laser but with specific conditions cooperator to follow. It had a great pinpoint, now it's a fuzzy dot. Anyone ever submerged a laser and have it work latter after it's dry? Maybe I'll heat up the laser to soften glue Major job, clean coatings and remount the G telescope optics.
Keep lasers inside dust-tight plastic display bottomless case with desiccant bags. I renew the bags in small oven @250C. Saran Wrap laser up if in pocket. The cling helps rid optic dirt. Kudos to Planters:beer:
