So I got my friends old xbox kinetic and have always been sceptical about the safety of the laser inside of it, never really used one except for really far away like your suppose to, and I have always been sceptical about looking into the laser even from far away. Today, I decided to plug in the kinetic and forgot about the anxiety I had with it and I plugged it into my xbox at my computer desk and had my kinetic ontop of my pc monitor.
My concern is I have tried looking into the safety of this thing and cant really find a straight answer, the thing is class 1 but trying to search upon that I realized its safe indefinitely but at what range / distance? I have turned the kinetic off for now, I don't "feel" any different because I know the eye has no pain feeling, its probably me being paranoid, but I want to know when I was sitting at just over 2ft from the sensor it was a very short time but I also looked at it from about 2ft away also.
So the underlining question is will it/would it have damaged my eye in any way looking at the laser directly from these exact distances because I did and am now paranoid :c
1st time - 74CM away
2nd time - 70-71CM away
My concern is I have tried looking into the safety of this thing and cant really find a straight answer, the thing is class 1 but trying to search upon that I realized its safe indefinitely but at what range / distance? I have turned the kinetic off for now, I don't "feel" any different because I know the eye has no pain feeling, its probably me being paranoid, but I want to know when I was sitting at just over 2ft from the sensor it was a very short time but I also looked at it from about 2ft away also.
So the underlining question is will it/would it have damaged my eye in any way looking at the laser directly from these exact distances because I did and am now paranoid :c
1st time - 74CM away
2nd time - 70-71CM away
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