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Can a DX laser lens be adjusted / turned?

Aug 26, 2007
If it can, how?

Mine is collimated, but its not the best. I want to turn it.

I found that the lenses are not glued, so yes you can turn them. I used an old hacksaw blade, ground down in width to go in the slots BUT hollow out the front edge of it a bit as the lens is very near the front of its housing......

Regards rog8811


  • Adjustor01.jpg
    27.6 KB · Views: 218
is there anyway to mod a 100true to have a active focus ( can focus with beam on from behind like with homebrew reds without damageing or unaligning crystals (no cutting metal) eg does the front bit unscrew at all i know they put a touch of locktight (or other screwglue) on the lens but i want to have a avtive focus for burning/PERFECT collimation and i can only really get it right if i can see the beam whilst adjusting
The lens is only around 4mm Dia, and is held in a brass, threaded ring which I would guess is around 5.5mm Diameter so you have very little metal to work with. I have never managed to get the front housing off without knackering it....

Regards rog8811
damnit... oh well i just use my collimation rig ( a stand and my friends flat around 1km away visible from my window with a videofeed to his webcam.. and him on the phone mesureing the dot so i can get it under 50cm @ 1km its just damn hard getting it aimed to his wall
I really want to know something. If you buy a True 50mw DX green laser and its not putting out enough to be 50mw, could you safely pot mod it until it reaches the required limit?

What I'm saying is, can you do it safely and not overload it.
If the circuit is the same design as the lower powered ones (new wish) the pot doesn't appear to do anything.....
I sometimes wonder if DX order a load of pointers without labels, then someone powers them up and puts them in different piles labeled 200, 100, 50, 30 and so on, just on what the beam looks like. It might explain the different intensities of the various 5mw ones I have owned :)

Regards rog8811
I cut the battery tube in half and added a CPVC extender so the DX 50 now has 3 NiM 1.3 volt batterys and use 1.5 ohms to connect the tubes over the CPVC extention.
Now it runs as good as when it had fresh alki batts.. runs at .4 amp

