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FrozenGate by Avery

broken 400mw green not turning on, turning on randomly?

Mar 6, 2012
I was doing some burning with a lazerer 400mw green when the light stopped. After that I couldn't get it back on. (I always followed the duty cycle)

I checked batteries etc looked like the laser had died. I checked it carefully and couldn't get it on, "oh well I thought". However by accident I left the broken laser on and around 15 minutes later it flashed on in full glory.
I could use it and turn it on and off until it cooled down, after which I couldn't get it back on.

The laser will warm if I leave it on with a battery, however no light is emited not even IR (I presume)
I have tried warming it trying to turn it on but haven't been able thus far.

I emailed max at lazerer almost a week ago regarding a return still waiting back for a reply, not all that hopeful.
Is this a known problem? Is it fixable?

Edit: okay the laser itself works. I found that after droping it lightly it turned on. it could then turn on/off for a few minutes and stopped. Seems to be a connection problem somewhere...
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I would seriously recommend you dont leave the batteries in it and leave it turned off. 400mw of green = hell of a lot of IR. Always assume IR is being emitted even if you dont see any green.

From experience I would say rule out the most basic problems before you go ahead and do something unfixable to it. So for now, set it aside, and I know its tempting but dont try to open it up and see whats wrong etc.

It could be a battery issue, even if your batteries are "fully charged" they could just be messed, so get your hands on some new ones (order some if needed), charge em up, and see if theres any difference, I'm assuming it has a tailcap? If so, bridge the connection between battery and the contact which will be the inside of the host itself.

I dont really know how to explain it properly but what I mean is using some sort of metal touch the bottom of the battery which would usually be against the tailcap, and then connect that metal to the inner wall of the laser itself, wherever you see exposed metal. The thread the tailcap screws onto is usually a good bet.

Thats all assuming you have a tailcap. If you dont, just wait for some new batteries.

Hope it works out :beer:
Yeah I can use some tin foil for that. However I think its probably a problem with the diode rather than battery. But I will try with tin foil first!
Sounds like a connection issue either between the battery and driver or between the driver and DPSS module itself. As daawood has suggested check battery state and case grounding (have you got a multimeter?) and check to see that the battery spring doesn't touch the inner wall of the battery tube when batteries are inserted. Issues here could explain why the module was warming but no 532 output (insufficient power to module). Your driver may also have overheat protection which is designed to protect the module from excessive heat buildup but that's a guess.

Tell us how you get on with the basic tests and I'm sure we can muck in and get the issue diagnosed. PS keep chasing Lazerer!
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Some batteries have too flat a top to touch when two in series, check that too.
oh wow u mailed them and not a reply.. they are really nothing but scammers to me, selling crappy lasers and dont even reply or have anything called customer service.. im suprised they still exist in this business.
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If you shake the laser while is on and suddenly it starts to work for a millisecond and then stop, it can be loosen crystals (if your laser have a IR filter then you will not notice the IR at the output) or a battery contact problem (for example, loose spring in the driver, or loose batteries, or oxidation in the contacts etc..).
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